Introduction: What does the Bible really say about modern Israel?

Christ-followers are eager to serve and obey God to the best of our ability and knowledge. When there are gaps in our understanding, it behooves us to “grow in wisdom.” For example, what does the Bible say about the Promised Land and God’s chosen people? An introduction, with a link to a more in depth study.

What does the Bible really say about modern Israel?

Many Christians don’t know what the Bible says about Israel and God’s chosen people; many others think they know. Both groups owe themselves an honest look at the themes and patterns of the Bible as a whole, which might reveal a few surprises.

Baseline of a Desecrated Place – Synopsis

How Israel’s water and agricultural technologies don’t even work for Israel Guest post by Dick Callahan, examining the ecological and environmental impacts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Click here to read his full, 12 part series on this topic. Executive Summary Israel says it has much to teach humanity about agriculture, desalination, water conservation, and…

Baseline of a Desecrated Land I: Food Supply

Part 1 of a 12 part series examining the ecological impacts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. A synopsis of the findings is here. by Dick Callahan, reposted from How Israel’s water and agricultural technologies don’t even work for Israel “California I hear has a big water problem. We in Israel don’t have a water…

Israeli Soldiers Kill 4 Palestinians, Injure 316, In Gaza

Israeli forces used lethal force against hundreds of thousands of Palestinian protesters marking a year since the beginning of the Gaza Great Return March and commemorating Land Day. Among the wounded are 86 children and 29 women. The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza reports that Israeli soldiers have killed 266 Palestinians and injured 30398 others since the Return March processions started on March 30, 2018.

Gallup: Half of American Public Favors Independent Palestinian State

Support for Palestine independence climbs to 50% for first time since 2012; 62% of Democrats favor an independent state, 33% of Republicans; 34% view Israeli-Palestine conflict as a critical threat to the U.S. (Additional polls show that Americans are far less biased toward Israel than many people think. Most don’t want the US to take sides – which would mean stopping our $10 mill per day to Israel)

State Department to spend  million against “anti-Semitism” abroad

The U.S. State Department is offering to fund two projects “that counter the rise of anti-Semitism” in Europe and Central Asia. The State Department uses a new definition of anti-Semitism that includes criticisms of Israel. Among the alleged anti-Semitism will be “hateful or inflammatory speech in public discourse, traditional media and online…”