Search Results for: hollywood

AIPAC’s  mill lays down red line for Dems: Don’t criticize Israel

AIPAC’s superpac has raised nearly $16 million in 3 months… That’s why the NY Times called “Jewish donors” who prioritize Israel the “elephant in the room” of our foreign policy. Or why a J Street panel said that the clout of Jewish donors in the Democratic Party is “gigantic” and “shocking”…

Pentagon officer described how Israelists manufactured anti-Iraq disinfo that led to war

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski was an eye-witness to the tactics employed by Israel partisans in the Pentagon by which disinformation was manufactured and fed to the White House, Congress, media, and American public that led to the disastrous Iraq war… Detailed text and photos…

Israel’s Decades of Economic Espionage in the United States

Israel, which receives billions of dollars from American taxpayers, has conducted espionage in the US – especially economic espionage – since its creation in 1948. The illegal behavior includes stealing US technology, the fraudulent diversion of US foreign aid, the illicit retransfer of sensitive US technologies to third parties, and violation of end-use restrictions on U.S. military items transferred to Israel…

Secret gag order hides Israel’s espionage & theft of US nuclear technology

A classified 2012 gag order prohibits all governmental officials, including Congress members, from mentioning Israel’s nuclear arsenal… For decades Israel has gotten away with massive espionage directed against the US and the theft of nuclear material and technology… The collusion borders on treason

A three-minute video by If Americans Knew about some of the many Palestinian children Israeli forces have killed over the past few years. American taxpayers, whose politicians expend $19 million per day on behalf of Israel, need to see this short video…

Opinion: Israeli Elections, Israel’s Movable Feast

Israel Shamir: There is no real choice for Israeli voters; the potential candidates for the prime minister’s office aren’t all that different… we should not worry too much about who will rule Israel – it’ll either be Netanyahu or one of his second-rate clones… Most politicians are Right or Far-Right –somewhere between the John Birch Society and the KKK – they won’t accept Palestinians even as junior partners in their government. And without Palestinians, none can achieve a parliamentary majority…

California schools ‘anti-bigotry’ initiative partnering with group known for bigotry

In the midst of a pandemic drastically impacting California students’ ability to receive an education, state schools Superintendent Tony Thurmond has launched an initiative focusing on bigotry… One component features a questionable institution with a deeply dubious agenda…