For more than 20 years Israeli doctors have worked with Israeli security forces in practices that violate medical ethics. The global medical ethics watchdog World Medical Association looks the other way…
Tags: BDS
Shadowy Israeli App Turns Jewish Americans Into Foot Soldiers In Online War
An Israeli organization operating in the U.S. recruits Jewish teens and adults for a propaganda project led by former Israeli intelligence officers. It has close ties to Israel’s intelligence services, its Ministry of Strategic Affairs, is funded by billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, and sometimes operates out of local Jewish community centers…
Israel partisans pressure candidates in Georgia governor’s race
Israel partisans are prominent in the campaign for governor of Georgia, pressuring and enticing candidates to support Israel…
Christian leaders, organizations send message to Congress: NO to anti-BDS bill
In open letter, Christian leaders representing dozens of national orgs urge Congress to support free speech, oppose anti-BDS legislation.
Press release: 93 International Jewish Organizations Condemn BDS
A press release from the Israeli-American Cooperative Enterprise reports that 93 Jewish organizations have signed a statement against the international boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses. The statement lists the names of the signatories…
Air Canada Terminates their Main Contract with Israel Aerospace Industries
Canadian BDS Coalition declares victory after 100s of thousands worldwide endorsed an Open Letter to Air Canada recommending divestment from Israel Aerospace Industries.
Maryland, Wisconsin become 23rd, 24th US states to bar or condemn anti-Israel BDS movement
The governors of Maryland and Wisconsin have issued executive orders promoted by the Israel lobby against boycotting Israel, hoping to curtail the growing support for Palestinian rights; such laws have been deemed unconstitutional…
Trader Joe’s promotes Israeli snack & ‘fights hunger’ in New England, while Gaza’s children suffer
In violation of the international boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses, which have caused stunting of Gazan children, Trader Joe’s is promoting Bamba, an Israeli-made snack. Meanwhile, the company is part of a project against hunger in New England. The Osem Group, which produces Bamba, includes Nestlé, which is being boycotted for practices that cause infant malnutrition….
Israel Secretly Using U.S. Law Firm to Fight BDS Activists in Europe, North America
Ha’aretz reports that Israel has secretly hired US law firm Sidley Austin to help fight the boycott of Israel. Israel has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past two years and calls the activities “diplomatically extremely sensitive.”
Houston Suburb Won’t Give Hurricane Relief To BDS Supporters
In Dickinson TX, storm damage repair funding is available only to those who sign an agreement not to boycott Israel.