Photo from May 14, 2019 of the Israeli settlement of Neve Yaakov in the northern area of east Jerusalem and the Palestinian district of Hizma (background) in the West Bank. (Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI) The latest UN report states that Israel’s “civilian settlements” in occupied territory are a breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and…
Search Results for: torture
Conditional aid to Israel is becoming mainstream for Dems
J Street asked several democratic candidates for president to comment on aid to Israel. Their responses reflect the growing movement in the US to condition aid on treatment of Palestinians – but don’t get too excited.
New on IAK: Protecting Palestinian Children resources – join the team!
If Americans Knew has a new Action Center devoted to advocacy for Palestinian children, and we’re looking to create a nationwide movement that you need to join!
A Palestinian father’s call for justice
A Palestinian father asks for justice for his son, imprisoned by Israel for 3 1/2 years, tortured, but never allowed to testify against the preposterous charges of which he is accused.
Virgin Airlines’ Richard Branson – a force for justice for Palestinians?
Sir Richard Branson, billionaire, activist, and philanthropist, understands the Palestinian plight. As his airline begins operation in Israel, will he be true to his own philosophy, “social justice is good for business”?
Watch what you say: Israel controls the narrative
The Israel Lobby has America so well-trained that everyone self-censors: mainstream media, think tanks, politicians (of course), universities, courts, even K-12 curriculum editors play by the rules.
Doctors Without Borders: Treating resistant infections in Gaza
Many patients in Gaza with shattered bones from Israeli sniper fire find that they must beat serious, resistant infections before they can undergo surgery. This is tricky under the best of circumstances, but where medical supplies and facilities are in desperately short supply, it is extremely challenging. Over 1,000 Gazans currently suffer from severe bone infections.
Palestinian woman on hunger strike against Israeli imprisonment & abuse
Heba Al-Labadi, a female Palestinian prisoner incarcerated by Israel without trial or charge, has been on a 3-week-long hunger strike in protest of allegations of torture.
Dem candidates mostly turn a blind eye to Israeli atrocities and Palestinian rights
On the critical issue of Israel/Palestine, Democratic presidential hopefuls reveal a strong pro-Israel leaning that does not match the sentiments of a huge swath of Democratic voters.
Weekly Report Sept 26-Oct 02: Israel committed 129 Human Rights abuses
PCHRGaza documented 129 human rights violations by Israeli forces & settlers, including: killing a Palestinian civilian, injuring 88, 76 incursions into the West Bank, 55 civilians arrested, including 2 children and 2 women. Palestinian prisoner transferred to the hospital in critical condition after being tortured during investigation. 6 shooting incidents reported against Palestinian fishing boats off the Gaza Strip shore, etc