Search Results for: tamimi

Israeli soldiers break the silence about midnight invasions of Palestinian homes

“The overarching goal [of home invasions] was to instill a sense of persecution among the Palestinians.” “It’s a rolling trauma.” So say Israeli soldiers, as they look back with regret on the acts they carried out, night after night, at the behest of their state.

Their testimonies are compiled in a new human rights report from Breaking the Silence, Yesh Din and Physicians for Human Rights, “A Life Exposed: military invasions of Palestinian homes in the West Bank.” 

Action Alert! Tell Congress Issa Amro is a man of peace, not a criminal!

Issa Amro has been resisting Israel’s efforts to take over the Palestinian city of Hebron since 2003. A verdict is imminent in the sham trial against him, and he needs to know he’s not alone. Use this form to contact Congress – they voted to give Israel over $10 million per day; they must now tell Israel to cease its wrongdoing and drop all charges against Amro…