The village of Nabi Saleh, home to ordinary Palestinian families, has peacefully resisted Israel’s ongoing confiscation of their land for years. On Friday, the community was shattered by the senseless death of yet another of their own at the hands of Israeli forces.
Search Results for: tamimi
Biking while Palestinian: Israeli police run over child for flying Palestinian flag on his bicycle
The Israeli police ran over him, beat him, and instead of calling an ambulance, they arrested him – because he had a Palestinian flag on his bicycle.
Israel’s military courts for Palestinians make a mockery of justice
New report from UK charity War on Want shows how integral Israel’s military court system is in controlling Palestinian lives. The system is apartheid in nature and violates international law.
Israeli soldiers break the silence about midnight invasions of Palestinian homes
“The overarching goal [of home invasions] was to instill a sense of persecution among the Palestinians.” “It’s a rolling trauma.” So say Israeli soldiers, as they look back with regret on the acts they carried out, night after night, at the behest of their state.
Their testimonies are compiled in a new human rights report from Breaking the Silence, Yesh Din and Physicians for Human Rights, “A Life Exposed: military invasions of Palestinian homes in the West Bank.”
Action Alert! Tell Congress Issa Amro is a man of peace, not a criminal!
Issa Amro has been resisting Israel’s efforts to take over the Palestinian city of Hebron since 2003. A verdict is imminent in the sham trial against him, and he needs to know he’s not alone. Use this form to contact Congress – they voted to give Israel over $10 million per day; they must now tell Israel to cease its wrongdoing and drop all charges against Amro…
Israel lies after soldiers choke and kill Palestinian boy
Israel frequently lies about the circumstances in which Palestinian children are killed and seriously injured. Often, blaming the victim.
Israeli forces violated int’l law 262 times in past week (23–29 Jan)
Between 23 and 29 January, Israel committed 262 violations of international law against Palestinians, ranging from freedom of movement to demolition to bodily injury. Se the entire list with details of each human rights violation here…
Israeli forces committed 183 violations of international law in past week
Israel committed 183 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law during January 16-22, 2020 – read the list…
Human Rights Watch 92 page report: Israeli suspension of Palestinian rights is unlawful & unjustifiable
Human Rights Watch issues 92-page report on Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights. ’52 years into Israel’s occupation of Palestine, Israel’s human rights suspension is unlawful and unjustifiable…’
Detailed report on Israeli human rights violations in past week
Weekly detailed report on Israeli violations of human rights in occupied Palestinian territory Oct. 10 – 16, 2019: Israeli forces Injured civilians, demolished homes, Israeli settlers rampaged, etc