The Palestinian death toll in 2023 has risen to 28 after the latest Israeli attack on the city of Jenin. After shooting Palestinians, Israeli soldiers (as usual) blocked ambulances from tending to the injured, as well as firing tear gas at the pediatric ward of a nearby hospital.
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Israel’s “shoot first” policy leads to 2 more Palestinian deaths
Mohammad Ali, age 16, was fatally shot as he ran away from Israeli soldiers; Aref Lahlouh, age 20, was fatally shot after he allegedly tried to stab an Israeli soldier – the soldier was uninjured, but Lahlouh was shot and denied medical attention. These are the 18th and 19th Palestinian deaths at the hands of Israel in the first 25 days of 2023.
Harvard reinstates offer to former HRW chief after Israel controversy
Roth remains concerned, stating: “Criticizing Israel is not limited to me, and most scholars have no comparable capacity to mobilize public attention” He also seeks clarification about who was behind the dean’s original decision (some names have already been floated)
NYT: Palestinian life under Israel’s over half-century military occupation
It’s important to stop and take stock of how bad things have been for Palestinians in the West Bank… There is no study, no matter how rigorous, that can capture what it feels like for Palestinians living under Israel’s more than half-century military occupation…
Israeli Soldiers Kill Two Palestinians In Jenin – 17 killed in 19 days
An Israeli sniper shot a teacher in the head as he was helping a father who had been shot by invading soldiers. The soldiers then blocked medics from coming to their aid. Their deaths make 17 Palestinians killed in 19 days
Ed Dept resists pro-Israel pressure to adopt new antisemitism definition
The U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights resisted pressure to adopt an Israel-centric definition of antisemitism that Israel and its partisans have been embedding in institutions around the world…
Israeli forces gun down Palestinian father & 2 others, another dies of wounds
Fifteen days into 2023, thirteen Palestinians have been killed by Israel. The latest victim, Ahmad Kahala, was shot Sunday at point-blank range, and medics were blocked from saving his life.
Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians, Ezzeddin Hamamra, 24, and Amjad Khaliliyya, 23; the same day, Yazan Ja’bari, 19, died from wounds inflicted by Israeli soldiers earlier this month.
Israel has one of the most powerful armies in the world.
Palestinian, 19, Dies From Wounds Suffered in Jenin
Yazan Samer Jabari’s death brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in the first fourteen days of 2023, to ten, including three minors.
I once ran Human Rights Watch. Harvard blocked my fellowship over Israel
Kenneth Roth: “I was told that my fellowship at the Kennedy School was vetoed over my and Human Rights Watch’s criticism of Israel. How can an institution that purports to address foreign policy – that even hosts a human rights policy center – avoid criticism of Israel?”
Invading Israeli forces kill 5 Palestinians in West Bank
On Wednesday and Thursday Israeli troops invading Palestinian towns killed three teens, a 25-year-old, and a father trying to defend his son, bringing Palestinian deaths in the first 12 days of 2023 to 9.