Search Results for: israel lobby

US Senators meet with Jewish leaders in semi-secret annual event

The Times of Israel reports that “Jewish leaders are meeting with Senate Democrats today.” All the organizations except one advocate for Israel. The Senators’ offices will not tell Americans when or where the meeting is, or what’s on the agenda…. a quarter of the Senate attended the meeting – see the list…

Baseline of a Desecrated Land IX: Toxic Leaks & Spills

Part 9 of a 12 part series examining the ecological impacts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. A synopsis of the findings is here. by Dick Callahan, reposted from Recognition 9: The ‘Toxic Tsunami’ and Other Disasters Petroleum contamination: Chronic leaks and spills in Israel “… we discovered a layer of gasoline near a gas…

Baseline of a Desecrated Land VI: Awash in Sewage

Part 6 of a 12 part series examining the ecological impacts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. A synopsis of the findings is here. by Dick Callahan, reposted from Sewage Quiz and nowhere to go “…with clear waters and action packed beaches, each one of Tel Aviv’s 16 beaches has its own style and attracts…

ACLU: the difference between anti-discrimination and anti-BDS

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) attorney Brian Hauss dissects the accusation from the anti-BDS camp that it is “hypocritical” to support anti-discrimination laws (think: wedding cake), but oppose anti-BDS laws. Bottom line: businesses do not have the right to refuse service to consumers because of who they are. On the other hand, consumers have a First Amendment right to withhold their patronage from businesses in order to express their political beliefs.

Flashback: Secretive Adelson-Saban Summit Raised Millions to Fight BDS

In 2015, billionaire Sheldon Adelson hosted a summit to battle the nonviolent boycott movement for Palestinian rights (BDS). All participants in the event pledged at least $1 million to cover the costs of “demonizing the demonizers…” Participants, true to the maxim that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, declined to discuss any financial pledges….