Search Results for: israel lobby

What Israel is doing against Bethlehem today…

While millions of Americans have been celebrating Christmas, Israeli forces have been attacking men, women, & children in the Bethlehem region, where shepherds are said to have received a profoundly wondrous message: “Peace on earth, goodwill to men”… Defense for Children reports: “Israeli forces targeted Palestinian children with excessive force making 2021 the deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014.” (videos)

A chronicle of Israeli actions against Palestinians in 2021

Israel has outdone itself in 2021 – destroying large swaths of Gaza, shooting to kill Palestinian protesters, endangering Palestinian children, and more. Here is a rundown of the year’s violence, covered by numerous IAK posts – with hopes that together, we can work to bring justice and peace in 2022.

Israel escalates efforts to get US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq

For many years, Israel & its partisans have pushed the US to attack Iran. Recently they’ve used the Afghan exit to promote policies that could escalate into another disastrous, failed war. Some analysts from across the political spectrum have opposed these dangerous efforts, including Wesley Clark on Democracy Now, CounterPunch writers, Tucker Carlson, & Patrick Buchanan (videos)…

When will Israel stop torturing Palestinian prisoners?

Israel is a signatory to the Convention Against Torture and yet it continues to torture Palestinians – like Mohammed El-Halabi – with impunity. El-Halabi is the director of the Gaza branch of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian aid organization. He was nevertheless subjected to 52 days of interrogation and torture…

Pentagon officer described how Israelists manufactured anti-Iraq disinfo that led to war

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski was an eye-witness to the tactics employed by Israel partisans in the Pentagon by which disinformation was manufactured and fed to the White House, Congress, media, and American public that led to the disastrous Iraq war… Detailed text and photos…

Texas: home of the latest fight for the right to boycott Israel

This Palestinian American is fighting a Texas law that requires him to renounce his right to boycott Israel – the country that turned his family into refugees 73 years ago and continues to oppress them to this day. Israel loyalists have inserted these anti-boycott laws in 30 states around the country, despite the fact that the right to boycott has long been an American principle used by people of diverse political backgrounds.