Palestinians in Gaza protest against the German Parliament decision on BDS on 23 May 2019 [Mohammed Asad/Middle East Monitor] A significant number of Israeli and Jewish intellectuals publicly denounced Germany’s “deceitful” anti-BDS bill, the first of its kind in Europe. [Nathan Thrall summarizes the birth and goals of BDS: The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement…
Search Results for: gideon levy
Trump made snap decision on Golan after “quickie” history lesson
President tells Jewish GOP confab that recognition, upending US policy, was made during a ‘quickie’ briefing; says U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman reacted ‘like a wonderful, beautiful baby’
News media get it wrong on the Golan Heights
Standard Operating Procedure: top news outlets reporting on the Golan Heights issue have failed in their journalistic duties: euphemisms, partial truths, and omissions abound.
Goodbye to the Internet: Interference by Governments Is Already Here
In the wake of the New Zealand massacre and other serious incidents, some are calling for more policing of the internet. Philip Giraldi argues that US media is already over-regulated, and the bodies that oversee the regulating (for example Congress and ADL) can not be trusted to have our interests at heart.
Without Saying a Word, Israeli Troops Beat Up a Blind Man in His Bed
Israeli soldiers break into a home in the middle of the night, severely beat a blind, diabetic man on dialysis as his wife begs them to stop. Later, an Israeli military spokesman’s explanation does not remotely resemble the family’s description of the incident.
Israel Still Holding Palestinian Lawmaker Indefinitely as Political Prisoner
Palestinian lawmaker Khalida Jarrar has been incarcerated in an Israeli jail without a trial for 20 months. Another period of ‘administrative detention’ will soon expire. One of the Israeli accusations is that she attended a book fair…
Remembering Operation Cast Lead, 10 years ago today
Today we remember the 2008-9 Israeli incursion into Gaza, Operation Cast Lead, which was launched exactly 10 years ago. 1400 Palestinians – including 344 minors – and 9 Israelis were killed in the hostilities.
A UN report found that Israel’s military operation “destroyed a substantial part of the Gaza Strip’s economic infrastructure and its capacity to support decent livelihoods for families.” A decade later, little progress has been made in rebuilding, thanks in part to Israel’s 2 subsequent attacks on Gaza.
IDF shot a Palestinian Teen, Dragged Him Around, Chased Ambulance Away
The coldness of Israel and its soldiers is incomprehensible – shooting a Palestinian minor in the back, shooting at the neighbor who tried to help, threatening to shoot the ambulance driver, while the youth bled to death. This has become a common occurrence, with at least 52 Palestinian children killed in 2018.
Truth is stranger than fiction: 3 days in the West Bank
Elderly women, families, children, and of course young men in the occupied Palestinian territories are regularly treated with brutality by Israeli forces. International laws are in place to protect vulnerable populations, but Israel ignores such laws – and gets away with it. Simple, common decency ought to elicit restraint on the part of the occupier, but does not.
These very brief stories are snapshots of Israeli cruelty between December 15 and 17, 3 days out of the 50+ years of violent occupation which the United States endorses and supports to the tune of over $10 million a day.
A cruel, yet very usual Israeli incident that almost nobody knows about
The illegal Israeli occupation continues its illegal collective punishment by demolishing the home of an alleged terrorist’s family and terrorizing the entire neighborhood.