Search Results for: child

FAIR: The NYT’s Pro-War Arguments Against War With Iran

New York Times recent editorials make it sound as if the war looming between the US and Iran is equally the fault of both countries, or of some inexplicable, inevitable force, rather than the result of US actions. This framing hides US governmental responsibility, and makes it harder for the public to judge intelligently where to place blame.

Jewish donors providing ‘Benjamins’ to defeat both Tlaib & Trump

Philip Weiss reports that Rep Omar was berated endlessly for her statement about “the Benjamins”; others have said the same thing – because it’s true… Top donors for both Dems & Repubs are Jewish… JTA’s Ron Kampeas reports that for “Jewish reasons,” Jewish Americans are fundraising to defeat Rashida Tlaib and Donald Trump… (includes video)

Israeli occupation: a nightmare from which there’s no waking up

The Israeli occupation is a constant, chilling presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and among Palestinians living in Israel: children and adults are routinely abducted, Israeli housing is built on Palestinian land while Palestinian homes are demolished – just a few examples from one “average” day.