For many years, Israel & its partisans have pushed the US to attack Iran. Recently they’ve used the Afghan exit to promote policies that could escalate into another disastrous, failed war. Some analysts from across the political spectrum have opposed these dangerous efforts, including Wesley Clark on Democracy Now, CounterPunch writers, Tucker Carlson, & Patrick Buchanan (videos)…
Search Results for: child
Video: Israel poisons Gaza’s water, refuses access to UN mitigation team
Israeli bombing of a massive fertilizer warehouse in May caused a huge fire and toxic smoke, and resulted in leakage of chemicals into Gaza’s groundwater. UN experts agreed to travel to Gaza to assist with mitigation and creating a report on the incident – but Israel barred their entrance.
Two Million People Are Imprisoned for 15 Years. The New Barrier Will Remain There Forever
This is what the fence of a ghetto looks like, of a prison, of a concentration camp. Only in Israel do they celebrate the building of a concentration camp. Only the skies of the ghetto are still open, and that is in a limited fashion too. Coming soon, the next devilish invention of the defense establishment: A dome of iron, a huge ceiling over the skies of Gaza. The head of the “border and seamline” administration is already working on it… Two million people have been imprisoned continuously for 15 years – there has never been another concentration camp like it…
When will Israel stop torturing Palestinian prisoners?
Israel is a signatory to the Convention Against Torture and yet it continues to torture Palestinians – like Mohammed El-Halabi – with impunity. El-Halabi is the director of the Gaza branch of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian aid organization. He was nevertheless subjected to 52 days of interrogation and torture…
Israeli military kill Jamil al-Kayyal with bullet to the head
After Israeli forces invaded a neighborhood near Nablus, they fired live rounds, killing one Palestinian protester; others were injured as the soldiers caused havoc in the town.
Israeli soldier kills Jamil Abu ‘Ayyash in “excessive use of force”
The latest victim of Israeli violence was Jamil Abu “Ayyash, age 32, killed with a bullet to the back of the head while participating in a peaceful protest and posing no threat.
Mohammad Nidal Younis: 17th Palestinian youth killed by Israel in WB in 2021
Yet another Palestinian child killed – this time by a private Israeli security guard at a checkpoint. Israeli forces then ransacked the victim’s family home.
Israel applauded the “extrajudicial execution” of Mohammad Salima
After an alleged stabbing, Israeli soldiers shot Mohammad Salima, immobilizing him. Then, in what may be considered an extrajudicial execution, they continued to shoot him from “zero distance,” refusing medical care and allowing him to bleed to death. Israeli officials endorsed the action.
Israel, Washington Post teach Americans: Palestinian lives don’t matter
In Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Palestinians are presumed guilty; settler violence is invisible. The Washington Post perpetuates the myths.
Unwilling and Unable: Israel’s Whitewashed Investigations of the Great March of Return Protests
In 2018-19, Israel met a Palestinian nonviolent movement with violence week after week – causing 13,000 Palestinian injuries and 234 deaths – then went through the motions of “investigating” its military’s wrongdoing. The Israeli organization B’Tselem and the Palestine Center for Human Rights combined to produce a detailed report deconstructing the Israeli investigation…