Israel’s efforts to control and destroy the lives of Palestinians is visible in the thousands of big and small incidents that happen every day. Below are summaries of just a handful of shocking (but unsurprising) stories from the past few days that you may not have heard about.
Search Results for: associated press
Israel’s new radical government shows itself reckless and racist
Israel’s newly sworn-in government includes some shockingly extremist figures who have wasted no time implementing their agenda. Peruse a few excerpts from articles describing their recent escapades.
Israel’s latest killing spree – minor news to US media
American mainstream media have averted their gaze (again) from Palestinian suffering. Eleven Palestinian deaths in seven days is apparently not news.
Israel has been actively covering up a Shin Bet sex crime for years
A Palestinian woman filed a complaint after being subjected to an intimate search. Her story reveals the tip of an iceberg of Israeli misconduct, excuses, and cover-ups at the highest levels of the security and justice establishment.
Israel and the threat of the Palestinian womb
Israeli leaders – including openly racist Ayelet Shaked – have been discussing strategies to slow Palestinian population growth. The Palestinian birth rate, higher than that of Israeli Jews, is a “threat” to the Jewishness of the state.
Facebook report concludes company censorship violated Palestinian human rights
The report, published today, said Facebook and Instagram showed bias against Palestinians during a brutal Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip in May 2021.
Senator Patrick Leahy speaks out on killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) calls out the Biden administration’s feeble response to Israel’s killing of a prominent American citizen: he asks the hard questions (why haven’t they been asked before?) that could trigger the withholding of US military aid to Israel.
Palestinian Child Dies After Israel Denies His Travel for Treatment Abroad
Little Faroud Abu Naja died while Israel “studied” his request for a travel permit to obtain medical care just 66 miles from his home. Faroud is one of over 4,000 residents of Gaza whose medical care Israel has interfered with so far in 2022.
Dishonest coverage by NPR & NY Times of Israel’s attack on Gaza
Once again, the U.S. mainstream media is missing — or covering up — a central reason that Israel carried out a preemptive attack on Gaza, killing 46 Palestinians, including 16 children.
Israel’s epidemic rate of medical permit denial for Gaza’s children
It’s been a problem for years, but it’s getting worse: Israel routinely denies travel permits for Gazan children needing advanced medical treatment; Israel also blocks entrance of advanced medical equipment to Gaza’s doctors.