Second week of September 2019: Israeli violence includes confiscating a piece of private Palestinian land the size of Ellis Island; killing, injuring, abducting, and bombing children and adults – all by the “most moral army in the world.”
Search Results for: Return March
PBS adds pro-Israel headline to its own report on Israeli attacks in Gaza
PBS recently presented an excellent report on Israeli sniper violence at the Gaza border, but headlined it with a pro-Israel spin. The truth is simply too damning to be presented un-spun to an American audience. Philip Weiss discusses the report and how it was packaged.
Israeli forces kill, injure, abduct Palestinians, destroy homes & farmland
During the first week of September 2019 Israeli forces in the Palestinian Occupied Territories killed Palestinian children, destroyed Palestinian property, razed farmland, stormed a Palestinian village, and assaulted, detained, and abducted Palestinians… In other words: it was pretty much like every other week. Read the details:
Paul Findley, longtime advocate for Palestinian human rights, dies at 98
Former Congressman Paul Findley (R-IL) was a forefather of the movement for justice for Palestinians, speaking and writing on the issue for almost half a century. He penned the first exposé on the Israel Lobby, “They Dare to Speak Out,” about how Americans who had spoken out about Palestine were pushed out by Israel partisans from positions in Congress, the media, academia, and elsewhere. (Contains documentary of his life.)
Palestine in the 2020 elections: a look at Joe Biden
In this If Americans Knew series, we will analyze each contender’s position on Israel/Palestine and provide information that voters can give them to correct their misunderstanding of the issue. This entry provides an in-depth analysis of Joe Biden’s stands through his 49-year career….
Israeli military admits: open-fire policy needlessly killed protestors
Israel admits that live fire against Palestinian protestors has at times caused death when only serious injury was intended. Israeli snipers have killed 300 while gradually tweaking their limb-targeting approach. Now they “aim for the ankles,” likely only maiming the unarmed demonstrators. The Israeli Supreme Court has backed the lethal open-fire policy from day one.
Israeli soldiers beat youth, Injure 66, abduct 400, demolish homes, etc
The latest news from the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Israeli soldiers abduct hundreds of Palestinians, injure dozens, use water as a weapon, demolish homes, wells, etc…
How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs
Ha’aretz reports that Israeli officials have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the ethnic cleansing that established Israel, including documents reporting rapes, looting, the demolition of villages, and killing of civilians…. General Peled: “My platoon blew up 20 homes with everything that was there.” Lev Tov: “While people were sleeping there?” Peled: “I suppose so….”
Gideon Levy: A Young Gazan’s Dream, Amputated
Alaa ad-Dali is a young man who had a dream – quite a rare thing in Gaza – and it was crushed by the IDF. What does he have left? 138 young people in Gaza have lost legs in the protests at the fence as a result of IDF sniper fire, and they aren’t even a story. Their motivations don’t interest anyone. They are all labeled “terrorists.”
Democratic candidates on Israel/Palestine – a guide
Overwhelmed by the crowd of candidates for President? The issue of justice for Palestinians – in which almost everyone bows to the Israel lobby – is the ultimate litmus test for integrity. Find out where everyone stands. (This guide will be updated often.)