Search Results for: $38 billion

Senate Committee slips through  billion package to Israel

The Foreign Relations Committee passed a bill yesterday to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion over the next ten years, despite current devastation to the US economy. The bill was passed in a meeting closed to Senate live-streaming, in a voice vote on a group of 15 items, without any discussion or debate of the largest such package in US history, and without its title even being said… Now the bill goes to the full Senate. (contains video of mtg)

Senate Foreign Relations Committee to vote on  billion package to Israel

While millions of Americans are out of work due to the coronavirus, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is poised to vote for a 10-year package to give Israel $38 billion. The legislation is a top priority for the Israel lobbying organization AIPAC. (The article contains info for contacting Congress.)

Israel would get far more than  billion under the new deal

In an unprecedented gift of our executive power to Israel, the House has passed for the very first time a law that forces the American president to give Israel a minimum of $3.8 billion per year. We have, in effect, crippled our ability to promote US interests in the Middle East. The new House version is even more generous to Israel than the Senate bill and the 2016 MOU… it amounts to $7,230 per minute to Israel, or $120 per second…