In a reversal of typical Human Rights Council voting patterns, several European countries that usually abstain from moves critical of Israel, voted in support of an arms embargo on Israel; Bahrain, which usually supports such measures (and recently signed a treaty with Israel), rejected the motion.
Pro-Israel think tank wants Progressives to adopt “Progressive Except Palestine”
In a moment when support for Israel is slipping a bit in Congress, this Israel-right-or-wrong group proposes a new category of antisemitism in hopes of persuading Progressives to alter their agenda to accommodate pro-Israel Jewish Americans. It’s called “Progressive Except Palestine.”
Trump pardons brokered by groups tied to Jared Kushner
Trump relied heavily on a pro-Israel network that revolved around two influential Jewish organizations connected to Jared Kushner to determine who would get pardons, according to an investigation by the New York Times… The Aleph Institute and Tzedek Association are tied to influential lawyers including Israel partisan Alan Dershowitz… The Aleph Institute is a non-profit organization that was founded at the express direction of the Chabad-Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, an extremist pro-Israel religious leader…
Gallup: support for Israel waning – majority of Democrats want pressure on Israel
Support for Israel is not as bipartisan as it used to be: for the first time, the majority of Democrats surveyed by Gallup say US pressure should be focused on Israel, not the Palestinians
Israeli industrial zones exploit Palestinian workers, steal Palestinian land
Palestinians working in settlement industrial zones often feel they have no other choice, with the Palestinian economy and labour market shackled by Israel’s military occupation.
Working conditions are terrible, compensation is unfair, but some workers are fighting back.
A Palestinian photographs a trespassing Israeli settler, gets his skull fractured
Settler violence in the Palestinian West Bank: Said Awwad has filed three trespassing complaints this year, but the police asked him to ‘bring proof.’ When he tried to take a picture of men intruding on his land – settlers he knew by name from the nearby outpost – they attacked him, his wife and their children ages 1 to 15.
Israeli forces shoot dead another Palestinian demonstrator
Israeli troops shot a Palestinian protester in the head in the West Bank on Friday during a demonstration against Israel’s confiscation of village land – contains video.
“Unprecedented escalation” in Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians
The unprecedented number and intensity of Israeli settler attacks – often with the complicity of the Israeli military – during the past few months are raising fears that the situation may escalate out of control.
During pandemic, Israel demolition of Palestinian homes is up – way up
The monthly average of Palestinian structures targeted by Israel for demolition has increased by 65 percent this year compared to 2020.
Israel’s week-long smorgasbord of abuse against Palestinians March 9-15
For those who think Palestine is in a time of “calm” because there are no headlines, think again. Palestinians haven’t experienced calm in decades.
Here is a sampling of headlines from the last week, as meticulously reported by our friends at the International Middle East Media Center.