Category: Israeli governmental policies

Gideon Levy: Palestinians are prohibited from defending their families from violent aggression

There aren’t many populations in the world as helpless as the Palestinians who live in their own country. No one protects their lives and property. They are totally abandoned to their fates. Their houses and cars can be torched, their fields set on fire. It’s all right to shoot them mercilessly, killing old people and babies, with no defense forces at their side. No police, no military: no one…

Palestinian hunger striker Khader Adnan dies in prison

Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan, who’s been arrested 14 times and spent over 8 years in Israeli prisons, died today after an 87-day hunger strike – his 5th – in protest of his illegal administrative detention by Israel. Israel refused to allow his family to visit him even as his condition deteriorated. He was one of ~600 Palestinians held without charge or trial. The NYT didn’t report on the strike until he died.

Labs of Oppression, Part Two: “settler violence = state violence”

In Part Two of the in-depth article from the Intercept on Israel’s decades-long campaign against Palestinians, read about how the Israeli military partners with settlers, using harassment, violence, and clandestine moves, to control Palestinian land. Palestinians are left with noncontiguous “Bantustans,” where they are still unable to live in peace.