Search Results for: jewish billionaires

Jewish billionaires secretly worked to shape U.S. public opinion on Israel’s war against Gaza

Washington Post: Leaked WhatsApp messages reveal that a group started by business leaders & financiers after Oct. 7 touched the highest levels of the Israeli government, the U.S. business world, and elite universities. It eventually expanded to 100 members

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Dozens of Secret Service agents gathered to protect billionaires, politicians, global influencers, & diverse glitterati at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress… there were oligarchs from Russia, ambassadors from the Ukraine, & dozens of inner circle investors. The Theodor Herzl Award was presented to Niki Hayley; previous awards went to the Rothschilds, Joe Biden, & Henry Kissinger… all there to support Israeli oppression of Palestinians

Pro-Israel billionaires Saban and Singer host dinner for Trump peace team to brief Jewish leaders

Haim Saban (Democratic donor) and Paul Singer (Republican donor) convened a private dinner featuring U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, Jared Kushner, and Jason Greenblatt. The kosher-catered dinner, held in a private room at New York’s Pierre Hotel, was for senior administration officials to discuss their emerging Israeli-Palestinian peace plan with powerful Jewish business and communal leaders, the latest of several private briefings for Jewish power brokers…

Jewish groups demand another billion dollars to Israel

We, the undersigned 12 national Jewish organizations ask you to take firm action in support of Israel’s security…. This legislation would provide $1 billion (on top of the over $3.8 billion Israel already gets)…

53 Jewish groups lobby Biden to adopt Israel-centric definition of antisemitism

Major Jewish organization call on Biden to adopt an Israel-centric definition of antisemitism for use by all federal departments and agencies… the definition defines many criticisms of Israel as ‘antisemitic’… some groups oppose the action, calling its use an ‘attack on academic freedom& free speech’

I’ve taught at six Jewish day schools. They’re preaching dual loyalty to Israel.

I’ve heard teachers or administrators say at assemblies things like “you don’t belong in America,” “Israel is your country” and “the IDF are your soldiers… HaTikvah was sung more often than the Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner. Israeli national holidays are taught with a reverence that outstrips what is accorded to religious or American ones…

Jewish Congress launches campaign against ‘antisemitism’ (aka support for Palestinian rights)

By Alison Weir. The European Jewish Congress has launched a worldwide social media campaign against “antisemitism” (which, in EJC eyes, includes opposition to Israeli human rights abuses). The man behind the campaign, EJC President Moshe Kantor, is a Russian-Israeli oligarch known for “unscrupulous business dealings” who says BDS is antisemitic, calls for severe punishment of “intolerance,” and is the founder of numerous international entities.