Unwilling and Unable: Israel’s Whitewashed Investigations of the Great March of Return Protests

In 2018-19, Israel met a Palestinian nonviolent movement with violence week after week – causing 13,000 Palestinian injuries and 234 deaths – then went through the motions of “investigating” its military’s wrongdoing. The Israeli organization B’Tselem and the Palestine Center for Human Rights combined to produce a detailed report deconstructing the Israeli investigation…

Pentagon officer described how Israelists manufactured anti-Iraq disinfo that led to war

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski was an eye-witness to the tactics employed by Israel partisans in the Pentagon by which disinformation was manufactured and fed to the White House, Congress, media, and American public that led to the disastrous Iraq war… Detailed text and photos…

Miriam Adelson picks up where late husband and GOP kingmaker left off

The GOP’s likely largest campaign donor in 2022 and 2024 will focus on influencing US policies on two foreign countries: mostly Israel with its anti-Iran agenda, but also on China (to further her casino interests)… Politico’s Isenstadt buries the news…

Why were these Palestinian prisoners willing to die of starvation?

As Americans plan holiday meals and bake Christmas cookies, let’s be aware of the Palestinians who have been on hunger strikes – some for well over 100 days – just to obtain a basic right: to know why they’re in prison or be released.