
Naturei Karta: “The Jewish people suffered a great loss on March 7, 2021 with the passing of Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, one of the greatest religious Jewish law experts of our generation.” Tens of thousands came to his funeral. In 2017 Rabbi Roth had attended an anti-Zionist gathering of 20,000 Jews in the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn, where he gave a speech opposing Zionism.

Kathy Manning (D-NC) wrote of her fear of Gazan rockets when she went on an Israeli tour to the city of Sderot (a town that numerous American politicians are taken to visit). But it’s clear that Manning knows little about the history and current context of Gaza and Sderot, and is missing essential facts. This video gives her the information that Israeli tour guides and US media leave out.

These are their stories: eight short videos about eight short lives…

Video about Ala’ Hani al-Abbassi, who died on January 31, 2020 from wounds he had suffered in mid-October when an Israeli soldier shot him in the head. He had been in a coma ever since. Ala’ was one of at least eight Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces in 2020…

Congress has voted billions of dollars to Israel. No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans about this, which works out to over $7,000 per minute. AIPAC thanks & names the Congress members who helped pass this massive aid to a tiny, criminal foreign country… George Washington had warned against an attachment to any foreign nation, stating: “a passionate attachment of one Nation for another produces a variety of evils…”

2014 talk by Alison Weir at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. The presentation was broadcast on C-Span and was part of the National Summit to Reassess the US-Israel Special Relationship. The book she discusses has over 600 5-star reviews on Amazon and has sold over 30,000 copies.