Tags: Yemen

Russian “peace scare” averted, neocons also predominate on Iran, ignore history

Stephen Sniegoski reports in Unz Review: Trump’s appointees indicate his efforts for peace with Russia have ended, while bellicosity against Iran has continued. While while mainstream media anathematizes almost everything else Trump proposes, it sees little wrong with his Iran policy – even though it is counter to US interests and ignores history…

These before and after photos prove that Obama and Hillary had nothing but love for Islam [VIDEO]

The Duran asks: “Where was the liberal left outrage when Barack and Hillary were bombing the hell out of these three ‘Muslim’ countries? As the entire liberal left is in a tizzy over Trump’s immigration executive order, we thought it would be fun to showcase three Muslim countries, that under the Obama/Clinton rule, flourished under the inclusive love of the liberal left…”