Marc Lamont Hill, in Nazareth 2014. screenshot from Vimeo video. As is often the case with proponents of justice for Palestinians, Marc Lamont Hill was watched closely by Israel partisans as he spoke before the UN last week. They took a phrase – one phrase – from the speech and threw the rest aside, hoping…
Tags: United Nations
Farewell, Nikki “Twist and Shout” Haley
She twisted facts, she twisted words, and then she shouted her distortions from the podium of the United Nations to the mainstage of AIPAC. The world – with a few notable exceptions – knew better than to believe her.
In first, ‘Palestine’ to head bloc of 134 nations at UN
A UN bloc of 135 countries, 80% of the world’s population, has chosen Palestine as its next leader. The US and Israel object. To Palestine, it is part of the road to statehood.
For the First Time, an Israeli Will Head UN Human Rights Committee
Yuval Shany of Israel is new head of the UN Human Rights Committee, a “nonpolitical body.” Israel has been violating Palestinian human rights for over 50 years.
At UN Hearing, South African Delegate Decries Israel as “Apartheid State”
South Africans – who should know apartheid when they see it – called out Israel as “the world’s last functioning apartheid state” during a UN hearing this week. They no doubt recalled the words of South African hero, the late Nelson Mandela, who famously said, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”
UN Security Council to Hold a Session on Palestine
The UN Security Council is meeting Thursday, 25 January, to discuss implementation of UN resolutions on the Palestinian questions. On 22 February, they will also discuss the occupation and the UNRWA situation, which has become dire since the US decided to slash its contribution.
It is Time for the Church to Act
Churches in the United States need to add their voices to the calls coming from the heads of Palestinian churches in the Holy Land who are urging the global Christian community to stand with international legitimacy and justice.
The Unofficial ANNOTATED Version of Nikki Haley’s Speech Ahead of UN Jerusalem Vote
Here’s what we were all thinking as we watched Nikki Haley’s UN speech!
Powerful resignation letter by UN’s Rima Khalaf about removal of UN apartheid report
Khalaf writes that the UN report on Israeli apartheid was removed due to pressure by states who violate the rights of people going through a period of suffering unparalleled in their modern history… the flood of catastrophes today is the result of a stream of injustices that were either ignored, plastered over, or openly endorsed by powerful governments…”