Israeli tanks fire on ambulances; Gaza ‘running out of basic necessities,’ as Israeli spokesperson claims that Hamas has “enough food to spark an obesity epidemic”; Arab leaders endorse $53bn plan to rebuild Gaza; ‘systematic failures’ on 7 Oct; Palestinians in Israel face persecution; Israel to build wall on Jordan border; colleges allowing pro-Palestine protests could face funding cuts; $95 million in aid for the Lebanese army
Tags: settlers
Gaza is Now ‘Hell on Earth’—Exactly as Intended
Deliberately creating “hell” on earth for Gaza’s civilian population is exactly what Daniella Weiss, director of the Israeli settler organization Nachala, condoned in an interview with BBC News’ in April 2024
Israeli forces have killed 39 Palestinian men, women, & children since May
While there was some media coverage of the May violence, U.S. media have largely ignored the continued killing, invasions, and rampages in the months since…
Israeli forces & settlers commit 204 human rights violations in past week
The Palestinian Center for Human rights documented 204 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory during the week of September 19-25, 2019 – see the incidents:
Breaking the Silence about Israel’s occupation of Hebron
Jonathan Cook reports on Israeli soldiers breaking the silence on what they’ve done. “Whatever a soldier believes when they begin their military service, there is no way to behave ethically in the occupied territories,” Ido Even-Paz, a former Israeli soldier says. “It’s a system in which Palestinians are always treated as inferior… Every day the job is to inflict collective punishment…”
Palestine: Jewish Settlers Torch 100 of World’s Oldest Olive Trees
Palestinians report that Israeli settlers have burned down agricultural land including valuable olive trees, while Israeli forces prevented the Palestinian owners from putting out the fires.
3,000 Israeli Settlers Storm Ibrahimi Mosque for New Year Festivities
IDF entered Hebron to protect 3,000 Israeli settlers as they entered the courtyards of the Ibrahimi Mosque, under pretext of celebrating Jewish holidays and marking the Jewish New Year, which starts on Thursday.
Ha’aretz: U.S. Rabbis Get Close-up Look at Occupation in the West Bank – Not a Pretty Sight
A dozen American rabbis visit Hebron and see for themselves the result of a settlement inside a Palestinian town. They find the experience “eye-opening and heart-wrenching.” Their trip coincides with one of the worst crises ever in relations between Israel and the U.S. Jewish community.
Israeli settlers shout at Palestinians: ‘We go to heaven, you go to hell – If war breaks out the Jews will kill you all’ [VIDEO]
A Palestinian journalist caught on video a group of Israeli settlers driving through a densely populated Palestinian city yelling: “We go to heaven, you go to hell. If war breaks out the Jews will come here and evict and kill you all.”