The presence of U.S. mercenaries in Gaza, unscrutinized, highlights a disturbing pattern of American involvement in the region’s violence.
Tags: Israeli checkpoint
American security contractors walking thin line in Gaza
Former private soldiers say this new way of war — unofficial boots on the ground through private military contractors — could go sideways, while giving governments political cover
WATCH: Israeli police strip, beat Palestinian child at checkpoint
Video shows Israeli police beating a Palestinian boy after he refuses to take his trousers off in freezing temperatures.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian father of newborn with a bullet to the chest
Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint shot Abdullah Samih Ahmad Qalalwa, age 25, in the chest, then denied him medical assistance. Their reasons for attacking him are implausible.
Israeli government: stories you may have missed
Israel’s efforts to control and destroy the lives of Palestinians is visible in the thousands of big and small incidents that happen every day. Below are summaries of just a handful of shocking (but unsurprising) stories from the past few days that you may not have heard about.
Israeli forces gun down Palestinian father & 2 others, another dies of wounds
Fifteen days into 2023, thirteen Palestinians have been killed by Israel. The latest victim, Ahmad Kahala, was shot Sunday at point-blank range, and medics were blocked from saving his life.
Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians, Ezzeddin Hamamra, 24, and Amjad Khaliliyya, 23; the same day, Yazan Ja’bari, 19, died from wounds inflicted by Israeli soldiers earlier this month.
Israel has one of the most powerful armies in the world.
Israeli soldiers who allowed Omar As’ad to die did not have a momentary “moral failure”
Israel is lying about its soldiers’ actions that night: this wasn’t a fluke – it was Israeli standard operating procedure.
Palestinian Dies in Fire After Israeli Checkpoint Holds Up Firetruck
A preventable tragedy: Israeli firefighters stay away from this Palestinian neighborhood; Palestinian firefighters were blocked from passing through the Israeli-manned checkpoint.
Israeli soldiers assaulted Palestinian, mocking and beating him severely
“It has been six days, and I still ache all over. My ribs hurt when I breathe, and I still have blue marks on the right side of the body and on my back. I still have no idea why the soldiers attacked me so violently. All I know is that they didn’t even ask to see our ID’s.” Report by Israeli NGO B’Tselem on June incident…
Palestinian killed at Israeli checkpoint, cheated by mainstream media
Palestinian Ahmed Erekat was shot, then he was left to die, and then mainstream media did its typical poor job reporting on the injustice of his death.