Search Results for: jewish billionaires

Draft Democratic platform fails to endorse justice for Palestinians

Palestinian rights are becoming mainstream, and support for Israel is declining – especially among Democrats. But you’d never guess it from the Democratic Party platform. (If you’re not happy with this, there’s a place you can upload a short video telling the DNC what you want the platform to contain…)

Major Israeli news site: “How did American Jews get so rich?” (& how this helps Israel)

Detailed Israeli report: Jewish Americans are the wealthiest group in the U.S… The over $10 million per day aid to Israel is ‘thanks to Jewish pressure’…

The arms race between Dems and GOP for pro-Israel donors

Biden needs money to mount a strong challenge to Trump, and the organized Jewish community is regarded as very pro-Israel & the largest repository of money in the Democratic Party, the source of half or more of large donations. See detailed information on what is driving politicians’ stances on Israel-Palestine since Truman through today…

FBI documents hint Israeli collusion with Trump 2016 campaign

Alison Weir reports that newly released FBI documents indicate Israeli officials were in contact with the 2016 Trump campaign, offering ‘critical intel.’ An official warned that Trump would ‘be defeated unless we intervene.’ Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper reports: ‘A disproportionately large number of people investigated in the Mueller probe –  oligarchs, advisers and cyber specialists –  also had ties to the Israeli establishment…

Super PAC is backing pro-Israel Democrats for House races

The PAC’s biggest donor is Stacy Schusterman, who has donated $1 million this election cycle and is also a national council member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The second largest donor is Gary Mark Lauder, who also has links to AIPAC. His uncle is president of the World Jewish Congress. After spending $1.4 million on ads opposing Bernie Sanders, the PAC is now focusing on Congressional races…

Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess

The Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it is exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. See this detailed, thorougly cited analysis…

Bloomberg: Fanatic pro-Israel billionaire trying to buy US Presidency

Michael Bloomberg – The 9th richest person in the world – is buying his way into the Dem campaign, and the DNC is permitting it, even though Bloomberg flip flops between being a Democrat, a Republican, and an independent… He’s a fervent Israel advocate who puts Israel above US law. In 2014 he flew to Israel to support Israel’s ruthless assault on Gaza that killed masses of children – & defied the FAA’s flight ban to do it…

How do Bernie & Buttigieg stand on Israel-Palestine?

One supports Palestinian human rights. One says he’d keep the $10 million per day flowing to Israel no matter what it does. Which is which? Spoiler alert: 18 pro-Israel billionaires have donated to Buttigieg (see list)

‘My heart comes first’ — Why Nita Lowey chose to chair House committee controlling funds to Israel

Lowey chose to ‘follow her heart’ by heading the state, foreign operations, and related programs subcommittee over a more prestigious subcommittee within the powerful House Appropriations Committee because it dealt with allocating funds for Israel.