Search Results for: iran

Netanyahu & Israel lobby lead Trump to war with Iran on behalf of Israel

Netanyahu and the Israel lobbyists are leading Trump (over the advice of his generals) into a war with Iran – they are manufacturing Holocaust-level predictions that a non-nuclear Iran is preparing to ‘vaporize’ Israel, the most powerful, nuclear-armed state in the Middle East. See 10 examples of Israeli-authored policies, and 10 reasons why U.S. military officers support the Iran deal…

The Tablet reports that Trump’s approach to Iran, Syria, & Israel looks a lot like Obama’s, because the same people are implementing it

The Tablet reports: The Trump White House is handing over key foreign-policy positions to Obama administration re-treads who handled the very same portfolios under the previous president. Trump’s foreign policy is starting to look like Obama Lite—the exact same policies, implemented by the exact same people…

Russian “peace scare” averted, neocons also predominate on Iran, ignore history

Stephen Sniegoski reports in Unz Review: Trump’s appointees indicate his efforts for peace with Russia have ended, while bellicosity against Iran has continued. While while mainstream media anathematizes almost everything else Trump proposes, it sees little wrong with his Iran policy – even though it is counter to US interests and ignores history…