Tennessee has just passed a resolution reaffirming Tennessee’s “unequivocal support” for Israel. State Senator Mark Pody pushed for its passage for “biblical” and other reasons..
Search Results for: christian
Meet Netanyahu’s new allies, followers of an FBI-designated terrorist
Netanyahu is affiliating with an extremist political party named “Jewish Power” whose leaders were disciples of an FBI-designated terrorist… one JP leader referred to Christians as “bloodsucking vampires,” declared Christmas should be outlawed… another has a police record of assaulting both Palestinians and Israelis… another called for violence & a “religious war” against homosexuals… another’s client list reads like a ‘Who’s Who’ of suspects in Jewish terror cases and hate crimes in Israel…
Neocons tell Democrats how to get rid of Ilhan Omar
Philip Giraldi reports that neocons (Israel partisans who switched from the left to the right) have come and gone and then come again. Some are part of the “Trump resistance”… their new media incarnation “The Bulwark” advises Democrats how to get rid of the freshman Congressional rep who blew the whistle on AIPAC…
ACLU: the difference between anti-discrimination and anti-BDS
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) attorney Brian Hauss dissects the accusation from the anti-BDS camp that it is “hypocritical” to support anti-discrimination laws (think: wedding cake), but oppose anti-BDS laws. Bottom line: businesses do not have the right to refuse service to consumers because of who they are. On the other hand, consumers have a First Amendment right to withhold their patronage from businesses in order to express their political beliefs.
AP’s articles on Ilhan Omar left out much of the story
AP sent out two versions of a story on responses to Ilhan Omar’s comments regarding AIPAC. Both were entitled “Omar’s edgy Israel tweet no surprise to some back home.” One version was slanted; the other made that one look good. Such distortion on Israel-Palestine. isn’t unusual for AP…
“He can’t breathe”: a Palestinian Eric Garner
As Palestinians in Hebron navigate life without the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) observers, it is worth looking back on how oppressive and violent life was even with outsiders watching. Eric Garner would find the city eerily familiar.
New Yorker: ‘Private Mossads for Hire’ use avatars to target pro-Palestine movement
Israeli private intelligence companies Psy-Group, Black Cube, etc specialize in fake online identities known as “avatars,” some work with the neocon group Foundation for Defense of Democracies – the aim is to “destabilize and disrupt anti-Israel movements from within…”
Democratic bigwigs create group DMFI to promote Israel to progressives
Alison Weir’s in depth investigation of the new “Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI),” created to counter growing support among Democrats for Palestinian rights (only 19 % of progressive Democrats now support Israel over Palestinians). DMFI plans to use its substantial financial resources & powerful connections to bring Democrats back into the pro-Israel fold and to target Democrats such as Betty McCollum who support Palestinian human rights…
WATCH: Yes, Israel does arrest children
Intellectual honesty is about confronting those things that make us uncomfortable, not ignoring them. Israel arrests Palestinian children; see 7 of the many videos of these actions. The US gives Israel over $10 million per day and Congress is currently considering legislation to give Israel even more. That makes it obligatory for Americans to learn the facts, and act on them.
Michelle Alexander has opened a door on Palestine
Pro-Israel and Jewish response to Michelle Alexander’s recent NYT piece, “Time to Break the Silence on Palestine,” was predictably hysterical and demonstrated that “hardline Israeli propagandists are losing their ability to shape political discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” James Zogby examines what this means…