Search Results for: child

Weekly Report Sept 26-Oct 02: Israel committed 129 Human Rights abuses

PCHRGaza documented 129 human rights violations by Israeli forces & settlers, including: killing a Palestinian civilian, injuring 88, 76 incursions into the West Bank, 55 civilians arrested, including 2 children and 2 women. Palestinian prisoner transferred to the hospital in critical condition after being tortured during investigation. 6 shooting incidents reported against Palestinian fishing boats off the Gaza Strip shore, etc

Gideon Levy: a Quiet, Cruel Population Transfer in South Hebron Hills

Demolition of Palestinian homes – last week’s excuse was to create Israeli “nature reserves,” this week a “firing zone” – causes now-homeless Mahmoud Hamamdi to ask, “Who is the terrorist: the one who builds a house or the one who demolishes a house?”

New legislation in Congress puts Palestinians in a Catch-22

New bills in Congress would put the Palestinian Authority in a no-win position: go bankrupt, or withdraw from int’l bodies that keep alive a hope of justice.