Search Results for: child

Dear ADL: there’s no place for “No Place For Hate” in our schools

The Anti-Defamation League wants to train our children to treat all people equally and with respect. They refuse to take their own advice when it comes to Palestinians, preferring instead to silence their calls for justice and turn a blind eye to Israel’s human rights abuses. A discriminatory organization that bullies others should not be in our schools.

Greenwald details Biden appointee Neera Tanden’s outrageous actions

Glenn Greenwald details numerous problematic actions by Biden appointee Neera Tanden, including the fact that she ordered ThinkProgress journalists to stop writing critically about Israel after key donors (including AIPAC supporter Ann Lewis and long-time Clinton advisor Howard Wolfson) complained about the ‘anti-Israel’ articles…

Israel Lobby’s latest way to extort money from US taxpayers

New bill would give Israel a veto over US arms sales… Cumulative US aid to Israel is $295 Billion – three times the amount the US spent to rebuild Europe after WWII under the Marshall Plan… Israel lobby group proposes that the US explode its already ballooning deficit even further by advancing cash to Israel under a new “Deferred Payment Plan”… 

Hedges, Taibbi, Greenwald discuss censorship (reminiscent of Dorothy Thompson)

Progressive journalists Chris Hedges & Matt Taibbi discuss media censorship of the explosive Biden emails, & the Intercept censors Glenn Greenwald. Such censorship has gone on for years on Palestine… e.g. the most famous woman journalist was erased from history for reporting on Palestine, and Grace Halsell’s 1970s exposé on Israeli torture of Palestinians was suppressed…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… 2020 House Scoreboard – Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico This table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… 2020 House Scoreboard – Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming This table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the…