By Philip Giraldi: The Virginia Israel Advisory Board is little more than a mechanism set up to carry out licensed robbery of Virginia state resources being run by a cabal of local Jewish Americans and Israelis to benefit their co-religionists in Israel. The VIAB is actually part of the Virginia state government. It is funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia and is able to access funds from other government agencies to support Israeli businesses. It is staffed by Israelis and Jewish Americans drawn from what has been described as the ‘Israel advocacy ecosystem.’ Many of the Israeli companies are located on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank; they are illegal under international law…
Search Results for: billionaire
Super PAC is backing pro-Israel Democrats for House races
The PAC’s biggest donor is Stacy Schusterman, who has donated $1 million this election cycle and is also a national council member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The second largest donor is Gary Mark Lauder, who also has links to AIPAC. His uncle is president of the World Jewish Congress. After spending $1.4 million on ads opposing Bernie Sanders, the PAC is now focusing on Congressional races…
Sheldon Adelson keeps casinos open despite coronavirus danger
While other major Las Vegas casinos are following health recommendations that they close to protect employees and the public from the coronavirus pandemic, Sheldon Adelson is keeping his casinos open. Adelson’s profits are often used to promote pro-Israel policies through millions of dollars of donations to political candidates.
Super Tuesday: Israel partisans work to block Sanders’ nomination
As voters go to the polls in 14 states, the Democratic establishment, often heavily influenced by Israel partisans, is trying to block a Sanders’ nomination that could potentially be ‘catastrophic’ for Israel… Klobuchar, Buttigieg, O’Rourke etc have endorsed Biden… but Bloomberg still hopes to win a brokered election after his half a billion dollars worth of advertising…
I’ve taught at six Jewish day schools. They’re preaching dual loyalty to Israel.
I’ve heard teachers or administrators say at assemblies things like “you don’t belong in America,” “Israel is your country” and “the IDF are your soldiers… HaTikvah was sung more often than the Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner. Israeli national holidays are taught with a reverence that outstrips what is accorded to religious or American ones…
Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess
The Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it is exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. See this detailed, thorougly cited analysis…
Adelson to donate $100 million to Trump & Repubs, fundraisers say
Billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a staunchly pro-Israel campaign donor, is expected to give big to Super Pacs and ‘dark money’ groups. His donations have in the past been followed by strong pro-Israel policy shifts. He has said he regrets that he served in the US Army instead of the Israeli military… His net worth is $40 billion…
How do Bernie & Buttigieg stand on Israel-Palestine?
One supports Palestinian human rights. One says he’d keep the $10 million per day flowing to Israel no matter what it does. Which is which? Spoiler alert: 18 pro-Israel billionaires have donated to Buttigieg (see list)
‘My heart comes first’ — Why Nita Lowey chose to chair House committee controlling funds to Israel
Lowey chose to ‘follow her heart’ by heading the state, foreign operations, and related programs subcommittee over a more prestigious subcommittee within the powerful House Appropriations Committee because it dealt with allocating funds for Israel.
“Progressive Except Palestine” groups gang up on Bernie Sanders
Mike Bloomberg is courting pro-Israel, Jewish voters with conservative-type promises to keep Israel great, and progressive positions on everything else. The Democratic Majority for Israel PAC (DMFI) supports similarly PEP (Progressive Except Palestine) candidates. Both have it out for Bernie Sanders.