The new Congress member, a Muslim-American who has often been attacked by Israel partisans, suggested that AIPAC is responsible for U.S. politicians’ slavish support for Israel. Her very reasonable tweets caused a firestorm of controversy, powerful leaders attacking her, many others supporting her. But the Israel lobby goes far beyond AIPAC and is embedded in organizations throughout the U.S.
Search Results for: adelson
Democratic bigwigs create group DMFI to promote Israel to progressives
Alison Weir’s in depth investigation of the new “Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI),” created to counter growing support among Democrats for Palestinian rights (only 19 % of progressive Democrats now support Israel over Palestinians). DMFI plans to use its substantial financial resources & powerful connections to bring Democrats back into the pro-Israel fold and to target Democrats such as Betty McCollum who support Palestinian human rights…
“Birthright Exodus” is a sign of hope
As more and more young American Jews recognize Israel’s unethical policies, Birthright Israel is becoming a moment of truth. Those who speak up and/or walk away are prioritizing the value of justice. These are future leaders in the struggle for justice for Palestinians.
Florida bill would censor info on Israel-Palestine in schools, colleges
A bipartisan bill uses a new, Israel-centric definition of ‘antisemitism’ that experts say would censor information about Israel-Palestine in Florida public schools and colleges. This is the latest such effort in an international campaign on behalf of Israel…
The Pro-Israel Push to Purge US Campus Critics
Katherine Franke writes in the New York Review of Books that while Palestinian rights are getting more attention than ever, advocates of justice still face accusations of “anti-Semitism,” harassment, and most of all, censorship on college campuses….
Senate Democrats again block pro-Israel S.1 from going to vote during government shutdown
Senate Republicans again failed to obtain the 60 votes necessary to move the bill to a quick vote, as Democratic leaders complained of what they say is Republican intransigence in ending the government shutdown. Rubio says the bill was crafted to help Israel, says he opposes Trump troop withdrawal from Syria because it would hurt Israel…
The pro-Israel billionaires & neocons behind Marco Rubio
Rubio’s career has been funded from the beginning by multi-billionaire Israel partisans such as Normal Braman, Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, and Larry Ellison. Rubio has close ties to the pro-Israel neocons who pushed the U.S. into the disastrous Iraq war, and he advocates positions that would likely lead to still more war and violence…
Bolton, in Israel, torpedoes Trump’s Syria troop withdrawal
John Whitbeck writes: “It appears that Bolton, who owes his position to billionaire Israel advocate Sheldon Adelson, has overruled – or is seeking to overrule – Donald Trump and to put him back in his subservient place…”
First Senate bill of 2019 would give Israel billions of dollars, combat BDS
The first Senate bill of 2019 would finalize a $38 billion aid package to Israel ($23,000 per Jewish Israeli family of four), combat BDS, and rebut Trump’s attempt to withdraw troops from Syria (Israel opposes the US withdrawal)…
Opinion: Birthrighters can handle the truth. Show them the occupation.
A former Birthright trip coordinator and leader’s bold opinion: young Jews on Birthright trips are aware of world events, and shouldn’t have to feel like they’re engaging with a sanitized and whitewashed version of Israel. When tour organizers don’t show them realities like the occupation, they are painting an incomplete and dishonest picture of what’s happening on the ground. Showing and telling the truth will make birthrighters more likely to engage and take action.