A children’s speech pathologist refuses to sign a will-not-boycott-Israel oath: she loses her job, an unknown number of children lose her advocacy. She notes how outlandish it is that she is not required to uphold the interests of the United States, or Texas, or children, but a foreign country.
As The Intercept has repeatedly documented, the most frequent victims of official campus censorship are not conservative polemicists but pro-Palestinian activists, and the greatest and most severe threat posed to free speech throughout the west is aimed at Israel critics.
Search Results for: Christian
Leaked: Pro-Israel Lobby Groups Secretly Admit BDS Is Effective
Ali Abunimah discusses a leaked report from Creative Community for Peace (CCFP), a front for Israel government-backed lobby group StandWithUs, which admits the cultural boycott is “constantly growing” and “innovative”.
AIPAC takes newly elected Congress members, CNN’s Setmayer on propaganda trips to Israel
The Israel lobby is taking newly elected Congressional representatives, CNN-ABC commentator Tara Setmayer, & California “progressive leaders” on propaganda trips to Israel. AIPAC IS using a loophole that violates the spirit of the law… and seems to be functioning as a foreign agent…
Israel propaganda trips target ‘Pacific Progressive Leaders’ – no one will say who’s going
An $85 million Israel advocacy organization is taking local American officials identified as “progressive” on propaganda trips to Israel. While no one will divulge the rosters, we have a few names of California participants in these extravagant, influence peddling affairs… and ideas about what to do about them
Let’s talk about the lawsuit against Airbnb
The lawsuit against Airbnb’s de-listing of Israeli settlement properties sounds pretty flimsy: religious discrimination (illegal settlements are by definition all-Jewish); failure to provide equal access (Palestinians are barred completely – and it’s their land); Airbnb is siding with Palestinians against the occupation (everything about the occupation and settlements is illegal, so, yeah).
Media Ignore Largest Foreign Military Aid Package in US History
Congress is about to legislate the largest military aid package to a foreign country in U.S. history, but U.S. media aren’t telling the American public. Israelis know about the money, and Israel partisans are pressuring the one lone Senator opposing it, but apparently U.S. news organizations don’t think the general public need to know…
Pro-Israel groups attack Rand Paul for blocking $38 billion to Israel
Pro-Israel groups are mobilizing against Sen. Rand Paul for his block on legislation to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years. AIPAC is placing Facebook ads & CUFI is sending emails to pressure Paul, “the last obstacle” to Israel obtaining the largest military aid package in US history…
Ecumenical Statement on Current U.S. Policy and Israel/Palestine
Global Ministries and UCC and Disciples leaders were co-signatories in an ecumenical statement sent today to all members of Congress and the Senate, as well as to the White House. The statement focuses on the shifts in US policy and approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The full statement is published here, in its entirety.
Censored Al Jazeera documentary uncovers ‘rotting foundation’ of U.S. Israel lobby
A censored documentary provides a look at a lobby that continues to defend Israel’s control of Palestinian lives, despite the many Americans turning against it… Israel, often working with U.S. groups, spies on pro-Palestinian students… Zionist lobbyists want students who support Palestinian rights to be criminally prosecuted… Facebook accounts are created by Israel lobby groups, a notorious project is exposed as being funded by major pro-Israel donors in the U.S…
House Scoreboard on Israel/Palestine – 2018 Midterms – Colorado-Idaho
SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, IdahoThis table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend viewing on a…