A legal perspective on “Oslo”

The agreement was an instrument in which Israel could pursue traditional objectives, including settling the “Whole Land of Israel.” Settlement building could accelerate, “security” in occupied Palestine was subcontracted to Palestinian “security forces” who protected Israeli settlers but not Palestinians, and many of the costs of the occupation were borne by other countries. Whitbeck gives an eye-witness analysis of what went wrong.

Israel-first neocons & thinktanks pushed out by Trump?

Philip Giraldi reports that the Israel-first, pro-war neocons and their affiliated think tanks aren’t having the power under Trump that they expected under Hillary. “That the defeat of Hillary was also a defeat of the neoconservatives and their alphabet soup of institutes and think tanks is sometimes overlooked.” Giraldi writes: Many of the Trump dissidents like…

Israel plans to raze Palestinian village and replace it with town for Israeli Jews

Israeli police claim they shot al-Qiyan dead after he committed a “car-ramming attack,” but witnesses, including Israeli Jewish activists who were in the village of a thousand inhabitants to protest the demolitions of their homes, say he lost control of his car after Israeli police shot at him. A police video appears to confirm the witnesses’ accounts.

How Sheldon Adelson’s bet on Trump made him 2016 election’s biggest winner

The fervently Pro-Israel billionaire poured massive amounts of cash into Trump’s campaign [reportedly, $125 million]. He is already seeing his investment pay off. Those in the Jewish community who supported Bannon received massive Adelson money. The ZOA $1 million, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach $1.5 million, David Horowitz $50,000, the Republican Jewish Coalition is the biggest beneficiary.

Why they hate Rex Tillerson

Will Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, Exxon CEO, advocate anti-war policies in the Middle East and elsewhere? Is that one reason he’s under attack? Contrary to the narrative that Big Oil was the driving force behind the Iraq war, the oil industry opposed the Iraq war, the economic sanctions that preceded it, and Iran sanctions.

Report: 7,000 Palestinians held in Israeli jails

Journalists, scientists, human rights activists and even a clown are among the Palestinians currently in Israeli jails. Since the Israeli occupation began in 1967, Israel has jailed between half a million and 800,000 Palestinians. The conviction rate is about 99 percent. Among the arrestees are also those in administrative detention, an Israeli speciality: over the previous year, 1,742 orders for detention without trial were served against Palestinians; some held year after year.

How pro-Israel neocons pushed for war in Iraq [VIDEO]

Israel and its American partisans played a major role – perhaps the decisive role – in pushing the U.S. to invade Iraq, because they considered Iraq a potential threat to Israel – an invasion that has resulted in the deaths of half a million Iraqis, 7,000 Americans, will cost Americans trillions of dollars, and led to the regional chaos we see today

Pro-Israel groups are split on Friedman for ambassador to Israel

The Forward reports: “For the Jewish left, Friedman appointment has quickly emerged as a banner for rallying troops already concerned with the impact the Trump presidency will have on the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. On the right, Trump’s choice of a pro-settlement bankruptcy lawyer as chief envoy to Israel is seen as ushering in a new era of settlement expansion and changing the fundamentals of American policy toward the conflict.