Adelson to donate 0 million to Trump & Repubs, fundraisers say

Billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a staunchly pro-Israel campaign donor, is expected to give big to Super Pacs and ‘dark money’ groups. His donations have in the past been followed by strong pro-Israel policy shifts. He has said he regrets that he served in the US Army instead of the Israeli military… His net worth is $40 billion…

Roger Waters ads banned by Major League Baseball after outcry from Jewish group

Major League Baseball (MLB) has stopped running promotions of Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters on its platforms, after caving in to pressure from a Jewish group that accused him of “anti-Semitism” because of his support for Palestinian human rights.

How do Bernie & Buttigieg stand on Israel-Palestine?

One supports Palestinian human rights. One says he’d keep the $10 million per day flowing to Israel no matter what it does. Which is which? Spoiler alert: 18 pro-Israel billionaires have donated to Buttigieg (see list)

‘My heart comes first’ — Why Nita Lowey chose to chair House committee controlling funds to Israel

Lowey chose to ‘follow her heart’ by heading the state, foreign operations, and related programs subcommittee over a more prestigious subcommittee within the powerful House Appropriations Committee because it dealt with allocating funds for Israel.

Assassins from FBI-designated terrorist group live untouched on Israeli settlement

Riveting story of pro-Israel extremists whose 1985 terror bombing killed a Palestinian peace activist in California. Despite compelling evidence of their guilt – and their organization being identified as illegal in Israel – the Jewish State has harbored them while they live openly on an Israeli settlement.