Despite the increase in violence, Israeli forces continue their practice of not intervening to stop the attacks in most cases, and often actively join in, B’Tselem rights group says.
Israel-Palestine: To end torture, Shin Bet interrogations must be filmed
In two decades, Palestinian prisoners have lodged 1,300 complaints of torture – yet not one Shin Bet interrogator has been indicted. This human rights advocate calls for interrogations to be video taped.
Wake the sleeping giant: Become a Pillsbury-Free-Church
Ainsworth United Church of Christ of Portland, Oregon just pledged to be a Pillsbury-Free-Church in support of Palestinian human rights. Join them!
Guardian, NYT, WaPo report: Israeli spyware is getting Israel in hot water
On Monday the Guardian, the New York Times, and the Washington Post each published a different news story about Israeli technology – all with a common thread: unscrupulous practices targeting innocent people that Israel considers a threat.
Tell Congress: Support USS Liberty Veterans
As we remember and honor American veterans, please speak out in support of the USS Liberty veterans who survived Israel’s attempt to sink their ship with all men aboard. These veterans are still waiting for justice.
Israeli forces shoot, kill teenaged Palestinian boy near Nablus
An Israeli sniper shot and killed teen Mohammad Da’das Friday during a peaceful protest against Israel’s theft of Palestinian land. Mohammad was the 15th Palestinian child killed in the West Bank in 2021.
Israel’s use of skunk water is damaging Palestinian health and economy
Israeli police repeatedly spray skunk water in Palestinian East Jerusalem, making life unbearable for Palestinian business owners and dangerous for all residents.
Texas: home of the latest fight for the right to boycott Israel
This Palestinian American is fighting a Texas law that requires him to renounce his right to boycott Israel – the country that turned his family into refugees 73 years ago and continues to oppress them to this day. Israel loyalists have inserted these anti-boycott laws in 30 states around the country, despite the fact that the right to boycott has long been an American principle used by people of diverse political backgrounds.
WATCH: Israel’s ‘Break the Bones’ policy
During the First Palestinian “intifada” (uprising), Israel perpetrated a policy of breaking protesters’ bones, ordered by future Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin…
As Israel demonizes Palestinian human rights orgs, Palestinians may lose aid lifeline
Israel is silencing Palestinian human rights groups that expose the cruelty of Israel’s occupation – as usual, with no proof, and with an eye to ending the international funding that helps the Palestinian people survive.