Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem reports: On 19 March 2017, around midday, eight-year-old Sufian Abu Hitah was wandering barefoot outside his house in Hebron looking for a toy he had lost, when a group of at least 15 soldiers seized him. Two soldiers grabbed the boy by the arms and dragged him to the al-Harika…

Support Palestine and oppose AIPAC in Washington DC, March 25-26! [Video]

AIPAC is having its national convention to flaunt its power. Three groups have organized events to demonstrate that we want our elected representatives to support justice, not oppression; human rights, not militarism; equality not racism! Join one or all three of these – or demonstrate independently – the main thing is to be there and show your support for justice, peace, and Palestine!

Powerful resignation letter by UN’s Rima Khalaf about removal of UN apartheid report

Khalaf writes that the UN report on Israeli apartheid was removed due to pressure by states who violate the rights of people going through a period of suffering unparalleled in their modern history… the flood of catastrophes today is the result of a stream of injustices that were either ignored, plastered over, or openly endorsed by powerful governments…”

UN group takes down report finding Israel guilty of apartheid following Israeli & US complaints

Following Israeli & US pressure, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres forced a UN agency to remove a report that found “on the basis of scholarly inquiry and overwhelming evidence, that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid.” The chief of the agency that published the report resigned over the censorship…