Search Results for: apartheid

In America, the Right to Boycott Israel Is Under Threat. This Is Why That’s Cause for Concern

The ACLU has filed suit against a Kansas law against boycotting Israel. Such Laws violate First Amendment guarantee of free speech, as stated by the Supreme Court in 1982. “From the Boston Tea Party to the Montgomery bus boycott to the campaign against apartheid South Africa, political boycotts have been a proud part of this country’s constitutional tradition…”

Why is Israel supporting Kurdish secession from Iraq?

Israeli support for Kurds is part of Israel’s “divide and conquer” strategy. Palestinian analyst Lamis Andoni writes in Al Jazeera that Kurds’ culture and contributions have enriched the Arab World for centuries and that their rights should be supported. “Arabs are now faced with a very difficult dilemma between supporting the Kurdish right to self-determination, an inalienable right for all people, and resisting Israeli attempts to become dominant in Iraqi Kurdistan.”

ADL Campus guide describes how to block events about Palestine

A new ADL campus initiative conflates criticism of Israel with “anti-Semitism,” tells students how to block events that support Palestinian rights, & recommends joining student governments to block “anti-Israel” activism. Its head endorses legislation that would make supporting boycotts of Israel punishable by a million dollar fine and 20 years in prison…

The strange, sad saga of the Taylor Force Act

The murder of an American is being used to push new U.S. legislation on behalf of Israel, and to enrich an extremist right-wing Israeli organization with connections to an Israeli party outlawed by Israel as a terrorist organization, and that honors one of the most damaging spies against the U.S…

Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities

The SPLC has reaped a bonanza in donations following Charlottesville, despite the SPLC’s gargantuan budget, questionable financial practices, & sometimes pro-Israel stance. The Washington Free Beacon, CounterPunch, and Mondoweiss reveal little-known information…

How Israel Weaponizes Archeology

When Israel created itself in 1948—and even before this date—the “Jewish State” worked to take control of archaeology, and thus, of the region’s history. It toiled to erase footprints of the numerous civilizations that had preceded the Jewish presence, as well as the peoples that have come afterward. Kathryn Shihadah gives us the past and present details….