Search Results for: sniper

Israelis kill dozens of Palestinians in Gaza protesting U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem

A Palestinian man uses a slingshot. (Said Khatib) Palestinians are actively but peacefully resisting the ongoing occupation and blockade of Gaza, and the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem; meanwhile Israeli military are killing them by the dozens.  By Loveday Morris and Hazem Balousha, Washington Post ZEITOUN, Gaza Strip — Israeli soldiers on Monday killed at least 41 Palestinians demonstrating…

As Israel continues to kill children with impunity, urge lawmakers to support H.R. 4391

Israel is targeting and killing children in the Gaza March – with vocal support from its leaders. Encourage your legislator to cosponsor Rep. Betty McCollum’s H.R. 4391, the “Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children.”

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson is a major donor to political candidates in the U.S. Would-be presidents curry his favor in the hope of receiving the millions of dollars he contributes to campaigns. As a result, he is highly influential in their policies regarding Israel. The Adelsons spent over $80 million on Republicans in 2016 and over $100 million in 2012 on Republican candidates and causes – the biggest donors in the presidential race.

Israeli Troops First Shot a Gaza Journalist’s Left Leg, Then His Right. And They Didn’t Stop There

Yousef Kronz was well within Israel’s designated “safe zone” in Gaza, wearing a Press vest, when he was shot in both legs. A young man who ran to help him was shot in the leg as well. Then Israel refused Yousef passage to the West Bank for treatment that would have saved at least one of his legs.