Category: Articles about the situation

How an ‘antisemitism hoax’ drowned out the discovery of mass graves in Gaza

The pattern is hard to miss: the British establishment, including the government and the BBC, are working hand in hand to help Israel and its genocide apologists win the public relations battle.

Palestinians in Gaza’s displacement camps face rampant disease due to destroyed infrastructure

Those who survived Israel’s deadly bombardment now have to contend with the rising environmental disaster in Gaza’s displacement camps, including insect infestations, dangerous amounts of garbage and human waste, and the spread of infectious disease.

Report of the Independent Task Force on National Security Memorandum-20 Regarding Israel

The data demonstrate systematic disregard for fundamental principles of U.S. & international law, due to reliance on the steady flow of U.S. armaments. According to a high ranking former IDF officer, Israel’s combat could have achieved similar military outcomes “with 10 percent of the destruction [Israel has] caused.”