Gazan infant dies of cold; Defense For Children Int’l presents end of year Palestine report; Pope Francis has strong words for Israel; UNRWA head’s op-ed; Israel violates another int’l law; Israel’s torture victims speak out; West Bank death; Christmas in Bethlehem; Americans stuck in Gaza; “The Bibi Files”: documentary film tells all
Tags: defense for children international palestine
‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children
Over 20,000 children in Gaza are lost, detained, disappeared, or buried in mass graves or under rubble amid Israel’s relentless war.
Israeli forces use Palestinian girl as a human shield in Jenin
Israeli forces told 16-year-old Ahed, “Stay where you are and don’t move. You’re a terrorist.” For two hours, they used her as a human shield in a gun battle – then they bombed her family’s home with rocket-propelled grenades.
Armed Israeli civilian shoots, kills Palestinian boy during alleged stabbing attack
Omar Abu Assab was shot to death last week; Israeli officials have confiscated his body. Abu Assab is the 16th Palestinian minor to be killed by Israelis in 2021.
Israel kills Palestinian kids, then kills funeral attendee, then ransacks Defense of Children office
On Wednesday, Israeli forces killed Mohammad, the 11th Palestinian child victim of Israel in the West Bank in 2021. A few days before they had killed a 17-year-old. Today, they shot dead a 20-year-old participating in Mohammad’s funeral march. Also today, Israeli soldiers broke into and ransacked the local Defense for Children International office. Tuesday, Israeli forces killed a 41-year-old Palestinian man. In the middle of all this, the House advanced a bill to give Israel billions of Americans’ tax dollars.
Palestinian child prisoners face further repression and transfer
Israeli prison administration announced that 34 Palestinian children would be transferred to Damon prison on Monday morning, 13 January, without the presence of their adult representatives.