Tags: antisemitism

Man who toppled Jewish gravestones says he wasn’t motivated by antisemitism

Ha’aretz reports that a man who knocked over 120 headstones at a Jewish cemetery near St. Louis last year wasn’t motivated by antisemitism. He “acted alone, was angry over a personal matter and was under the influence of drugs when he committed the offense.” This follows the discovery that the rash of bomb threats against U.S. Jewish institutions were hoaxes by an Israeli teen unmotivated by antisemitism. Reports of an alleged “rise” in antisemitism are sometimes used to pass anti-Palestinian legislation…

Landmark bill restricting criticism of Israel sneaks through South Carolina Senate

South Carolina is poised to be the first state to pass legislation to adopt an Israel-centric definition for “anti-Semitism.” This will then apply to the state’s campuses, potentially limiting discussion of Israel-Palestine to one-sided information that fosters U.S. policies that provide Israel $10 million per day. The bill has been heralded in Israel as a “a landmark bill” that will lead change across the U.S. and the world, while South Carolina lawmakers appear to have let it through in the belief that it isn’t significant legislation.

Tillerson Caves, Will Appoint Special Anti-Semitism Envoy Who Monitors Criticism of Israel

Tillerson will name a special envoy to monitor alleged anti-Semitism, which includes criticism of Israel. All three previous envoys have been Israel partisans and helped create the new definition of the word. Dozens of other positions – on the environment, food security, conflict diamonds, etc – are being eliminated.

Diverse groups push for ‘Anti-Semitism Envoy’ who monitors criticism of Israel

A former Antisemitism Envoy adopted a new, Israel-centric definition for antisemitism, and then used it to train U.S. diplomats. The envoy position has proved a revolving door to Israel lobbying organizations (see video). Now groups from the ADL to the Southern Poverty Law Center are disturbed that Trump isn’t filling the position.

Witnesses say false smears of ‘antisemitism’ at Chicago ‘Dyke March’ were initiated by Israel partisan

Amith Gupta reports in Mondoweiss that claims of “antisemitism” at the annual “Dyke March” in Chicago were untrue. Witnesses say that many paraders wore kippas, Stars of David, etc. The smears, they say, were initiated by Israel partisan Laurel Grauer…