In an interview broadcast by C-Span, former Israeli Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky describes how the Mossad uses pro-Israel organizations to plant claims that individuals critical of Israel are “antisemitic.” (Transcript below.)
Ostrovsky’s book about the Mossad, By Way of Deception, was a New York Times best seller. His second book, The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad’s Secret Agenda, was then largely buried by U.S. media.
The interview was conducted in 1994 by Republican Congressman Pete McCloskey. McCloskey was a widely respected California Congressman who was considered a presidential contender. However, when he spoke out against Israeli actions, he was targeted by the Israel lobby and removed from office.
(For more information read They Dare to Speak Out, by Paul Findley; full text is here and here. A video about McCloskey is here.)
Today, numerous people supportive of Palestinian rights are being accused of “antisemitism.” It is unknown how many of these claims originated with the Mossad.
Victor Ostrovsky: When I talk… I had my second book. I had a record with my second book. I think my first book sold something around the world close to eight million copies. My second book was not reviewed in any newspaper in North America. Now that’s a record. None! No, I’m sorry. I think the guy in the Phoenix Gazette. The people from B’nai B’rith walked in and asked for him to resign. Yes, because he is an anti-Semite.
I know what they do because I used to ask them to do it. When I was in the Mossad and we had a guy that gave us problems in the US, and he was speaking out, and he was talking like people talk, and said, “Israel is bombing Lebanon with cluster bombs.” We say, “Who’s that guy?” Pete Macockey we use to call him, yeah, which is Pete the Cockroach [they were referring to Republican Congressman Pete McCloskey]. He makes a lot of noise and you can’t get rid of him.
So what you do is get in touch with a guy in the station in New York or in the station in Washington and tell the guys at B’nai B’rith to label him. And of course the campaign starts and before you know it the guys is labeled, and he is an anti-Semite, because that is what we say he is. That is one stain that you cannot wash. It shames me as a Jew to tell you that. But that is the fact, and it is wrong.
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