Search Results for: israel lobby

The Jewish community excommunicates Jews who support Palestinian freedom

For supporting Palestinian human rights, Rabbi Alissa Wise received ‘vitriolic hatred’ from the Jewish community: ‘death threats, sexually threatening emails, voicemails and even letters delivered to my home.’ After 20 years, she’s decided to stop her humanitarian work ‘for the sake of my children being Jewish.’ She’s now ‘decided to dedicate my life to the Jewish people.’ A leading Zionist writer says 97 percent of Jews worldwide support Zionism…

Trump pardons brokered by groups tied to Jared Kushner

Trump relied heavily on a pro-Israel network that revolved around two influential Jewish organizations connected to Jared Kushner to determine who would get pardons, according to an investigation by the New York Times… The Aleph Institute and Tzedek Association are tied to influential lawyers including Israel partisan Alan Dershowitz… The Aleph Institute is a non-profit organization that was founded at the express direction of the Chabad-Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, an extremist pro-Israel religious leader…

Palestinian activist victorious in landmark defamation lawsuit

Pictured left is a photo of Rumshiskaya taken for an IDF promotional campaign, and right, a photo of Nafal provided to MintPress. “What this judge brilliantly uncovered is that Israeli law is inherently inconsistent with American values.” — Attorney Haytham Faraj by Alan MacLeod, reposted from MintPress News, March 10, 2021 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA — A…

Daily assault on Palestinian childhood – attacks, bombings, abductions, shootings

Being a child while Palestinian is full of risks. Airstrikes, home (and school) invasions, home (and school) demolitions, inability to access medical care – these are just some of the dangers of being not-Jewish in a land under Israeli control.

Kathy Manning (D-NC) wrote of her fear of Gazan rockets when she went on an Israeli tour to the city of Sderot (a town that numerous American politicians are taken to visit). But it’s clear that Manning knows little about the history and current context of Gaza and Sderot, and is missing essential facts. This video gives her the information that Israeli tour guides and US media leave out.