The event will feature Biden, along with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), and costs $500,000 per person… Saban is an Israeli-American billionaire who has stated: “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.”
Saban is close to Jared Kushner and helped broker the deal between the UAE and Israel… (Meanwhile, Sheldon Adelson, another pro-Israel billionaire, is funding Donald Trump and Republicans)
Search Results for: human rights reports updated
Pro-Israel groups reportedly break law, media & Congress look the other way
Documents obtained from the Israeli government show U.S. pro-Israel organizations secretly used Israeli money to influence US policies. Such behavior is illegal under US law. Yet, mainstream US media so far are ignoring the information, and Congress shows no interest in investigating this evidence of foreign tampering. A bipartisan Congressional caucus with 80 members is connected to one of the groups…
Israel’s plan to secretly fund pro-Israel groups in the U.S.
In 2018 The Forward reported on repeated efforts by the Israeli government money to push money into American Jewish institutions to use in advocating for Israel. The efforts come from an Israeli ministry whose actions, even within Israel, are veiled in secrecy….. American groups using this secret money to influence American discourse would be violating US law…
Israeli government set up front company to conceal its actions around the world
Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper reports that the Israeli government set up a company called “Concert” so that individuals and groups around the world could conceal the funding they received from Israel to promote projects aimed at improving Israel’s image. Americans not declaring this funding would likely be violating US law…. Will US media report this to Americans? Will the U.S. Department of Justice investigate them?
Evidence that U.S. pro-Israel groups may have violated U.S. laws
Israel has been illegally manipulating US policies – and some US organizations and politicians have been helping them, in violation of US laws… Will the government go after them and censure Israel, the way it did the claims of ‘Russian interference’? Or will Israel and its collaborators once again escape consequences?
Biden is most pro-Israel nominee ever (and he will ‘defeat’ ‘hypercritical’ voices in the party)
Phil Weiss reports that pro-Israel advocates are overjoyed at the prospect of Joe Biden… they say there has never been a nominee from any party who is so pro-Israel, and that his choice of Kamala Harris as veep reflects his love of Israel…
Israeli forces fire missiles into Gaza, kill people, set cars ablaze, etc.
Some Israeli actions in the Palestinian Territories August 15 – 18 demolish homes, kill people, fire missiles into Gaza, kill people, set cars ablaze – reports from IMEMC
Associated Press bungles again – this time it’s balloons
As has too often been the case, Associated Press once again fails the test of good journalism on the subject of Palestine, earning poor marks on accuracy, balance, and context.
Where do Biden’s VP candidates stand on Palestine?
Apparently only 2 of Biden’s VP candidates to have publicly shown any real concern for justice for Palestinians. The rest have only paid lip service…like Biden himself.
Congress passes legislation to expend $19 million/day on behalf of Israel
While some Americans know that the U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day ($7,000 per minute), they may be unaware that additional spending on behalf of Israel significantly increases the cost to American taxpayers… (due to Appropriations Chair Nita Lowey & the Israel lobby… contains videos)