See 30-second video being aired by the Democratic Majority For Israel PAC for Vice President Joe Biden, starting in Florida and then in other battleground states across the country. DMFI says the ad is “targeted to pro-Israel voters.” (The post also contains another video DMFI is unlikely to show voters…)
Tags: Election 2020
Haim Saban backs Biden; will host a fundraiser next week
The event will feature Biden, along with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), and costs $500,000 per person… Saban is an Israeli-American billionaire who has stated: “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.”
Saban is close to Jared Kushner and helped broker the deal between the UAE and Israel… (Meanwhile, Sheldon Adelson, another pro-Israel billionaire, is funding Donald Trump and Republicans)