Search Results for: human rights reports updated

National Review article misinforms readers on Israel

A detailed annotation of the errors and omissions that mislead readers on a profoundly important issue…including little-known information about Presidents Eisenhower, Reagan, and Bush Sr., who each had moments of clarity on this issue, and called out Israel for its abuses.

News roundup from Israel & Palestine: Imprisoned for a hat, etc

Just because you don’t see Israel/Palestine in the headlines, doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Every day, Israel finds new & more cruel ways to treat Palestinians (& their allies), and Palestinians continue to resist their oppressors.

Stripped, Beaten, and Blindfolded: ongoing violence and abuse of Palestinian children detained by Israeli military

The latest in a long string of NGO reports on Israel’s serious and widespread abuse of Palestinian children – including arrest, abuse, and threats. Each year, 500-700 face prosecution in a military court system that lacks basic safeguards for a fair trial.