Search Results for: aipac

Jewish donors providing ‘Benjamins’ to defeat both Tlaib & Trump

Philip Weiss reports that Rep Omar was berated endlessly for her statement about “the Benjamins”; others have said the same thing – because it’s true… Top donors for both Dems & Repubs are Jewish… JTA’s Ron Kampeas reports that for “Jewish reasons,” Jewish Americans are fundraising to defeat Rashida Tlaib and Donald Trump… (includes video)

Palestine in the 2020 elections: a look at Joe Biden

In this If Americans Knew series, we will analyze each contender’s position on Israel/Palestine and provide information that voters can give them to correct their misunderstanding of the issue. This entry provides an in-depth analysis of Joe Biden’s stands through his 49-year career….

Which way did your Congressperson vote on the anti-boycott resolution?

In a rush vote before summer recess, the House of Representatives passed H.Res.246, which claims that the global boycott movement against Israel undermines the possibility for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The majority of Americans oppose such legislation. The Israel lobby was elated. A few courageous Congress members voted against it…

Israel-born Treasury official is at the center of U.S. policies on Iran

At the Center of U.S. Iran policies is an Israel-born Treasury official named Sigal Mandelker. The Atlantic writes that Mandelker’s ‘hand is on the lever’ of crippling economic sanctions meant to force Iran’s ‘capitulation or demise’… meanwhile the Treasury Department refuses to divulge whether Mandelker is still an Israeli citizen… Fyi: Iran has long been in Israel’s crosshairs…

House of Reps to sneak through billions to Israel, oppose BDS, etc

The House is expected to fast track three measures on behalf of Israel tomorrow: laws to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion and to sanction groups that support the Palestinian resistance, and a resolution expressing opposition to the global boycott of Israel (BDS)… Contains a link to contact Congress about the legislation…

WATCH: Elizabeth Warren supports Israel during its 2014 invasion of Gaza

Warren voted to give Israel an additional $225 million while it was perpetrating an invasion that killed 2,200 Gazans and left 100,000 homeless. In recent years, her views have moderated a bit as her progressive base has become increasingly supportive of Palestinian rights. While she opposes BDS, she also opposes anti-boycott legislation. She opposes Israeli annexation of portions of the West Bank because it would “threaten Israel’s Jewish and democratic identity, and undermine Israel’s security.” She cosponsored a bill to give Israel billions of dollars…