U.S. funding to Israel is used to finance the very technology that the Israelis use to spy on American citizens, to steal from American industries, and to betray American politicians. In addition, this funding to Israel makes U.S. tax payers complicit in the human rights abuses that the Israelis either directly commit or support through their absurdly lucrative Weapons Export Industry…
Search Results for: aipac
Secret gag order hides Israel’s espionage & theft of US nuclear technology
A classified 2012 gag order prohibits all governmental officials, including Congress members, from mentioning Israel’s nuclear arsenal… For decades Israel has gotten away with massive espionage directed against the US and the theft of nuclear material and technology… The collusion borders on treason
‘Israel’s Lawyer’ et al promote US militarism, anti-Iran policies
Even while the US is exiting the tragic, disastrous Afghanistan war, Israel partisan are pushing an attack on Iran… Dennis Ross served under Presidents Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Obama. As an ardent Israel advocate, he was dubbed “Israel’s lawyer”… He’s just one of many Israel partisans promoting US aggression against Iran. Now Ross advocates giving Israel the means to start a major regional war that would likely escalate to include direct US involvement. Read the facts and take action…
At Risk in Israel’s Backlash Against Ben and Jerry’s? The Right to Protest.
Much has been written about Israel’s relentless offensive against the ice cream company. But less has been said about the consequences for Americans’ right to protest if our constitutional right to boycott is gutted per Israel’s demands…
Patrick Buchanan: A Tonkin Gulf incident in the Gulf of Oman?
Israel has long targeted Iran as an enemy to be taken down. Author/analyst Patrick Buchanan is not alone in suspecting that the recent strike on the Israel-linked MT Mercer Street tanker could be a false flag incident intended to cause an attack on Iran…
Dear Star Parker, please take this crash course on the facts about Israel
A respected journalist, apparently misinformed about history and current events in Israel, has unfortunately shared with her readers several inaccuracies about Israel and the people of Palestine. Her misunderstandings are not uncommon. If Americans Knew offers corrections.
Bill to give Israel billions of dollars passes House, now on to Senate
In the midst of an Israeli killing spree in which Israeli soldiers shot dead four unarmed Palestinians, including two minors, the House of Representatives voted to give Israel billions of dollars. Only 3 members opposed the funding…
House committees pass $20 mill per day on behalf of Israel
Two House committees just advanced bills that will disburse a total of approximately $7 billion on behalf of Israel if both houses of Congress pass them, and if they’re then signed into law by President Biden…
The Scofield Bible: The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians
The Scofield Bible has induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel. Few readers know that behind Scofield appears to have been Zionist attorney Samuel Untermeyer, who used Scofield to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism…
Democratic primaries will reveal party’s debate on Israel
In Ohio race, Nina Turner supports Palestinian rights, in New York, Rana Abdelhamid is the justice Dem… the Israel lobby remains strong, but there is a growing trend to support Palestinian rights…