Search Results for: Return March

Dear Star Parker, please take this crash course on the facts about Israel

A respected journalist, apparently misinformed about history and current events in Israel, has unfortunately shared with her readers several inaccuracies about Israel and the people of Palestine. Her misunderstandings are not uncommon. If Americans Knew offers corrections.

The Olympics: Do Only Israeli Victims Matter?

The Olympics opening ceremony featured a moving commemoration for Israeli athletes who tragically and needlessly died half a century ago (when the Israeli prime minister refused a prisoner exchange), but failed to highlight a tragedy going on now that the world could stop: the desperate plight of Palestinian athletes who have been shot, maimed, & sometimes killed by Israeli forces… The ceremony also ignored the hundreds of men, women, and children killed by Israeli forces in the lead up to the tragic 1972 event, and the hundreds more killed by Israeli forces the following day…

Israeli war planes vs Palestinian balloons, kites & rockets

Much essential information is frequently omitted from US news coverage, including the vast difference in weaponry used in the “Israel-Hamas wars” – see this detailed report and videos of the weapons used by Israeli military forces and Palestinian resistance groups.

Sheikh Jarrah: How the US media is erasing Israel’s crimes

The situation in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian neighborhood of Jerusalem, continues to be unstable as Palestinians protest the imminent forced eviction of multiple families so that illegal Jewish settlers can take over their homes. The world barely notices as news media either ignore it or cover it poorly…