During Israel’s 2014 onslaught against Gaza, Israel had said ‘jump,’ and Obama and Biden had jumped – to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars of US taxpayers’ money.
Search Results for: $38 billion
Israel tried to sink a US Navy ship, Media covered it up
On this day 53 years ago, Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 American servicemen and injuring at least 174. This is one of the most decorated crews in US history, yet the media have buried and misrepresented the attack, and the crew is still awaiting justice. (Includes documentaries)
While US is in crisis, Congress posts 68 bills (and counting) for Israel
In the chaos that is the US – with coronavirus, racial tension, deep divisions, highly contested elections – Israel continues to hold sway over Capitol Hill. Congress members toil unwaveringly to win plenty of military aid money and special treats for the Jewish State, churning out 68 items on Israel.
The problems with Fauda, Israel’s brutal Netflix hit
The Netflix smash about a ruthless Israeli unit hunting down terrorists has glaring omissions and is overwhelmingly narrated from an Israeli viewpoint… Netflix, which has 109 million members across 190 countries, describes Fauda as ‘a global phenomenon’… It joins other Israeli programs featured on Netflix, HBO, Hulu… The Israeli occupation gets erased, the concept of right and wrong gets erased, the illegality gets erased…
The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans: The Facts
The U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day, approximately $7,000 per minute. On average, the US has given Israelis over 7,000 times more than to others around the world. On top of this, the US gives Egypt and Jordan large aid packages on behalf of Israel. And there is more… This is largely due to the Israel lobby, and continues even though most Americans feel we give Israel too much money, and despite the fact that Israel is not an ally, has spied on the U.S, stolen American technology, and tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship. (Contains videos)
Gaza families suffer under 13+ years of Israeli imposed ‘quarantine’
While many Americans are suffering under coronavirus quarantining orders and isolation, the people of Gaza have suffered far longer under an Israeli-imposed quarantine that has caused malnutrition and growth stunting in children, deep poverty, and misery… and now, the virus has hit Gaza…
How do Bernie & Buttigieg stand on Israel-Palestine?
One supports Palestinian human rights. One says he’d keep the $10 million per day flowing to Israel no matter what it does. Which is which? Spoiler alert: 18 pro-Israel billionaires have donated to Buttigieg (see list)
Congress has introduced 50 pieces of legislation about Israel in 2019
While America struggles with crises in health care, hunger, and homelessness, Congress has found the time to entertain over four dozen bills and resolutions that cater to a wealthy, heavily-armed state: Israel.
95% of Congress is ok with Israel’s torture of Palestinian children
Palestinian children are regularly detained, tortured, and prosecuted by Israel. Few Congress members are motivated to make it stop.
Dem candidates mostly turn a blind eye to Israeli atrocities and Palestinian rights
On the critical issue of Israel/Palestine, Democratic presidential hopefuls reveal a strong pro-Israel leaning that does not match the sentiments of a huge swath of Democratic voters.